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Example sentences for "excising"

Lexicographically close words:
excise; excised; exciseman; excisemen; excises; excision; excisions; excitability; excitable; excitant
  1. The drill was used in excising a piece of the skull where the diseased portion was larger than could be comprehended by the modiolus of a trephine.

  2. Many instruments have been devised for the purpose of at once transfixing and excising the projecting portion; some of them are very ingenious and complicated.

  3. Very various methods have been proposed and executed for the purpose of excising this joint.

  4. If the surgeon, after excising a pile or piles, will take the trouble to stitch up the wound with catgut, he will find the cure much more rapid and less painful than when this is omitted.

  5. A more radical method of treatment consists in excising the whole ulcer, including its edges and about a quarter of an inch of the surrounding tissue, as well as the underlying fibrous tissue, and grafting the raw surface.

  6. The treatment consists in excising the scar or in stretching or excising a portion of the nerve affected.

  7. The treatment consists in excising the bony mass.

  8. In inoperable cases it may be possible to relieve pain by excising a portion of the nerve above the tumour, or, when this is impracticable, by resecting the posterior nerve roots and their ganglia within the vertebral canal.

  9. The treatment consists in excising the glands and the affected skin.

  10. In the arm it may be contused, along with the radial, in crutch paralysis; in the region of the elbow it may be injured in fractures or dislocations, or it may be accidentally divided in the operation for excising the elbow-joint.

  11. No, but I was opposed to using a saw, in lieu of a lancet, in excising the ulcers of that body politic at that time.

  12. The censorship has compelled us to participate in this misrepresentation by excising or altering uncontroverted statements of facts on the plea that "they would alarm the people at home," or "have the people of the United States by the ears.

  13. Effects of excising Certain Portions of the Margins of Nectocalyces.

  14. Effects upon the Manubrium of excising the Margin of a Nectocalyx or Umbrella.

  15. I have tried on about a dozen specimens the effect of excising the margin of the nectocalyx.

  16. Effects of excising the entire Margins of Umbrellas.

  17. Effects of excising the entire Margins of Nectocalyces.

  18. The effect of excising all the marginal tissue from between the marginal bodies and leaving the latter untouched, is not so definite as is the effect of the converse experiment just described.

  19. Effects of excising Certain Portions of the Margin of Umbrellas.

  20. It consisted in removing a portion of the wall by grooving and stripping it, and of excising the exposed cartilage by means of a sage-knife.

  21. This means cutting down upon the diseased cartilage, and either removing the necrosed portion, or excising the cartilage in its entirety.

  22. The latter operation consists in excising a wedge-shaped piece of the posterior wall of the urethra containing the caruncle.

  23. If the obstruction be due to a fibrous band, an attempt may be made to remove it by excising it by the intrameatal method.

  24. The lid is first freed by dividing all the cicatricial bands, or, if only a small cicatrix be present, by excising that.

  25. After excising the outer wall, search is made for the superior petrosal sinus, which presumably is thrombosed, although perhaps only by normal clot.

  26. To facilitate the closure of the conjunctival wound it is advisable to dissect the conjunctiva back from the limbus before excising the cornea.

  27. Outstanding ears may be treated by excising a triangular or elliptical portion of skin and cartilage from the posterior surface of the pinna and uniting the cut edges with sutures.

  28. The treatment consists in excising the whole of the parotid gland with the tumour, no attempt being made to conserve the facial nerve or other structures traversing it.

  29. The operation of excising the upper jaw is not a dangerous one, especially if the risk of broncho-pneumonia is minimised by the intra-tracheal administration of ether.

  30. Jones divides the tendo Achillis and the flexors of the toes subcutaneously, and maintains the dorsiflexion by excising an oval flap of skin from the front of the ankle.

  31. In adults, the operation consists in excising the joint; in children the aim is to remove the diseased tissues without damaging the epiphysial cartilages.

  32. When the disease is of a severe type, and is confined to one knee, the question of excising the joint may be considered.

  33. It should be freely removed by excising a wedge-shaped portion of the tongue.

  34. The treatment consists in excising the duct and the connections, and it is usually necessary to resect the central portion of the hyoid bone to ensure complete removal.

  35. In the majority of cases, however, the best results are obtained by opening the joint and excising the meniscus in whole or in part, as may be necessary.

  36. The treatment consists in excising the loose tag or the whole meniscus, according to circumstances.

  37. It is liable to be accidentally divided in excising malignant or tuberculous glands in the neck.

  38. The treatment consists in excising the fistula in its whole length, but, owing to its long and tortuous course, and its relations to important structures, the operation is a tedious and difficult one.

  39. The act of excising or cutting out or off; extirpation; destruction.

  40. Defn: The operation of excising one or more of the bones of the tarsus.

  41. The operation of excising one or more of the bones of the tarsus.

  42. If there is no objection to a line except that a corslet occurs in it, where is the logic in excising the line because one happens to think that corslets are later than the oldest parts of the Iliad?

  43. Diomede strips helmet from head, shield from shoulder, corslet from breast of Agastrophus, Reichel was for excising the corslet, because it was not mentioned when the hero was struck on the hip joint.

  44. Moreover, it is necessary that the writer know precisely what his idea is in order to develop it properly by excising the superfluous and emphasizing the significant.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "excising" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.