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Example sentences for "exemplum"

Lexicographically close words:
exemplified; exemplifies; exemplify; exemplifying; exemplo; exempt; exempted; exempting; exemption; exemptions
  1. Fantham cites Seneca's use of Ulysses as an exemplum patientiae at Sen Dial II 2 1, where Hercules is compared to Ulysses.

  2. How much of [thorn]e Opus Majus was here inserted is doubtful; probably to [thorn]e end of Exemplum II.

  3. The lines at the end of the prologue to the Heauton Timorumenos-- Exemplum statuite in me ut adulescentuli Vobis placere studeant potius quam sibi, indicate that he was a very young man when they were written.

  4. In magnum scandalum ignominium et contemptum dicti Capitalis Justiciarii et authoritatis suæ in malum et pernitiosum exemplum omnium aliorum in tali casu delinquentium ac contra pacem dicti domini regis nunc coronam et dignitatem suas &c.

  5. This exemplum is known in many countries and in many forms.

  6. This story is a sort of exemplum of the sin of pride and avarice.

  7. On its surface it might be mistaken for a native demon-story told as an exemplum to children not to answer strange knocks at the door at night.

  8. Maximum autem exemplum est iustitiae in hostem a maioribus nostris constitutum, cum a Pyrrho perfuga senatui est pollicitus se venenum regi daturum et eum necaturum, senatus et C.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exemplum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.