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Example sentences for "facetiously"

Lexicographically close words:
faceret; faces; facet; faceted; facetious; facetiousness; facets; facetted; faceva; fach
  1. It has become a sort of standing joke when he stops his truck and starts in with various packages he smiles facetiously and says, "Well, I see the folks were in Indianapolis yesterday.

  2. He facetiously referred to the fact we had another thing in common--we both were connected with the banking business.

  3. He accordingly sallied out with his Indian rifle, in the haze of the evening, taking with him a supply of aqua vitae, as he facetiously said, to keep up his "dander.

  4. Hereafter, please ask permission before you leave the ship," facetiously remarked the officer in charge.

  5. One could almost fancy that the dumb brute comprehended the question facetiously put; at the words elevating its head, giving a wallop or two with its long ears, and mending the pace.

  6. And of their purpose there can be as little doubt--to levy for that 3,000 pounds the King facetiously terms loan.

  7. The efforts of the Kyrle Society to "bring Beauty home to the working-classes" left him cold or facetiously intolerant of patronizing preciosity.

  8. Leibnitz facetiously maintained that such would be the increase of literature, that future generations would find whole cities insufficient to contain their libraries.

  9. I have heard Captain Parrott facetiously remark that he had "made a loud noise in the world" by the aid of his guns.

  10. He then went to Paris, where he became interested in a scheme for the colonization by Southerners of the State of Sonora in Mexico, in consequence of which he was sometimes facetiously called the "Duke of Sonora.

  11. When the two appeared upon the street, they were sometimes facetiously dubbed "Dombey and Son.

  12. There were so many representatives of the "Buckeye State" at that time in Washington that someone facetiously spoke of the city as the "United States of Ohio.

  13. All of the professors and many of the officers at West Point, whom Mr. Kemble facetiously termed "the boys," had a standing invitation to these Saturday evening dinners.

  14. These were the days when Mrs. Scott was sometimes facetiously called Madame la Général.

  15. The Bothie was the name facetiously given by Alexander, Baron Rothie, son of the Marquis of Boarshead, to a house he had built in the neighbourhood, chiefly for the accommodation of his bachelor friends from London during the shooting-season.

  16. Indeed, Alexander ab Alexandro, as Mr. Innes facetiously styled him, was in more ways than one worthy of the name of Dooble.

  17. Do we not lie down patiently as lambs, and bear impertinent biographies to be thrust before our eyes of persons who are facetiously termed great?

  18. This was what she facetiously called herself one July morning of that summer she was eighteen.

  19. In which state of things the various employés of college, including the trusty colored Aquarius, facetiously denominated Professor Paley, under the excitement of numerous quarters, greatly multiply their efforts.

  20. The others disposed themselves so that she was left undisturbed whenever she chose to withdraw to her "state room," as Captain Fred Sanders facetiously termed it.

  21. And he facetiously punched the astonished and grieved mate in the side, and danced about as if he had perpetrated the best joke of his life.

  22. King of England, facetiously called him the author of the Salic law.

  23. His other admixture is facetiously described as "mostly Negro.

  24. He pointed facetiously towards the splendid person now close on them.

  25. And, indeed, when all the meal had gone except its odour and the President had facetiously announced that the ladies might now smoke, it proved to be a very big thing indeed to be the Kit Kats' guest of honour.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "facetiously" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.