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Example sentences for "fatty acid"

  • Chemically, fats are composed of fatty acid, as stearic, palmitic, oleic, etc.

  • Pertaining to, or designating, a fatty acid analogous to oleic acid, obtained from castor oil as an oily substance, C
  • Any preparation of cod-liver oil in which fat or fatty acid is not recognizable by proper tests is valueless as food, since its food value depends on the amount of fat or fatty acid present.

  • It mixes with water without precipitation, hence, it can not contain more than traces of a fatty acid.

  • Where transparency depends upon the percentage of fatty acid in a soap and the number of times the soap is milled.

  • It is possible, of course, to either increase or decrease the percentage of fatty acid by varying the amount of water.

  • The more important determinations of soap are moisture, free alkali, or fatty acid, combined alkali and total fatty matter.

  • Fatty acid Proteases, which split up proteins into proteoses and peptones.

  • To be dissolved as fatty acid by the action of the bile (since bile is capable of dissolving it under certain conditions).

  • The fact that butter is more easily digested than other fatty substances is probably due to its consisting largely of a kind of fat which, on splitting, forms a fatty acid (butyric) which is soluble in water.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fatty acid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are bound; boat could; but yet; could well; external conditions; fatty acid; fatty acids; fatty degeneration; fatty matter; field officers; find traces; first white; forget the; four hundred and fifty; four minutes; natural evolution; never learned; our earth; our new; patent medicine; perfect love; removed from; richly dressed; shall bear his iniquity; something better