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Example sentences for "bile"

Lexicographically close words:
bilboes; bild; bildende; bildenden; bildet; biled; biler; biles; bilge; bilged
  1. They used to feed us peas and cornbread and hominy, and sometime they threw beef in a pot and bile it, but we never had hawg meat.

  2. Grandma git de bark offen de thorn tree and bile it with turpentine for de toothache.

  3. My poor bile soured then and made me say a thousand things I never think.

  4. Now the Stevenyne was full sixty years old, and had a face like a medlar, but all yellowed with bile and anger.

  5. The following points should also be noted: Line 30 of this first description is tri bile do chorcor glain.

  6. Go and get your own chickens, and bile 'em yourself.

  7. I wish this infernal rain'd let up long enough for us to do some skirmishin' and bile our clothes.

  8. The life history, in brief, is as follows: Each adult is capable of producing an immense number of eggs which are carried down the bile ducts with the bile to the intestine, and are passed off with the faeces.

  9. Catarrhal inflammation of the intestine and intestinal parasites may obstruct the bile duct, and interfere seriously with the functions of the liver.

  10. It may also work its way into the bile duct.

  11. They then pass from the intestine into the bile ducts.

  12. What is the color of the bile, as seen through the walls of the bile sac?

  13. Bile and saliva are material substances, with a definite chemical constitution, each adapted to one definite function.

  14. What sense can there be conceivable in the well-known materialistic doctrine that the brain secretes thought, just as the proper organs secrete bile or saliva?

  15. Descartes said: "Envy forces up the yellow bile from the lower part of the liver, and the black bile that comes from the spleen, which diffuses itself from the heart by the arteries.

  16. But as no sort of bile is formed in the spleen, Descartes, when he spoke thus, deserved not to be envied for his physiology.

  17. But he knew still less than Descartes how his detestable bile circulated through his blood.

  18. Bile is a product of the transformation of material energy.

  19. Physical causation need not be the only kind of causation, and when Cabanis said that thought was a function of the brain, in the same way as bile secretion is a function of the liver, he blundered philosophically.

  20. In fifty-two cases of cholera which passed under my observation in the year 1828, the absence of bile was always most remarkable.

  21. What he had vomited was considered as being merely the contents of the stomach, and, as the tongue was not observed to be stained of a yellow colour, it was inferred that no bile had been thrown up.

  22. On this wise he dissembled and kept his secret, adding, "O King of the time and Caliph of the tide, only toil and moil have tinged my face yellow with bile and hath made my eyes sink deep in my head.

  23. This occasioned a quarrel between the poet and the critic, in which the former exhaled his bile in several abusive epigrams, which have, fortunately for his credit, not been preserved in his works.

  24. If we compare the number of miserábile indegno desidério paragonáre número good men to the multitude of wicked, it is small.

  25. It is a great satisfaction to people of feeling to hear that their grande soddisfazióne sensíbile gente sentíre friends are in perfect health.

  26. This must not be boiled with milk unless where there is diarrhoea to be cured, as milk tends to produce bile and costiveness.

  27. A slight admixture of pure CANE SYRUP (see) or liquorice juice in the water will tend to prevent bile and costiveness.

  28. The cause of this is a nervous derangement of the internal organs, by which the bile passes into the stomach instead of, as it normally does, passing down into the intestines.

  29. In cases wherein the secretion of Bile has been for a long time deficient or faulty, I recommend unirritating and undebilitating doses of Mercury, (i.

  30. That the secretion of Bile should be right, both with respect to quantity and quality.

  31. Takes my breath away, but it's better for the bile than old Rumsey's drugs.

  32. Nebber mine, I'm gwine to bile ye fust an' de longest--hear dat?

  33. Makes my blood bile to see dese Yanceys, anyhow.

  34. They are Turks, not from conviction, but from habit, spite, and the bile engendered by a too rigid and bigoted abstinence.

  35. A little more bile left over from yesterday?

  36. Nothing like a rousin' fire if you're going to make the political pot bile in good shape.

  37. Bile 'em good and done and they can't hurt nobody--sick or well.

  38. The bile makes us sick and choleric; but without bile we could not live.

  39. It contains not only the bile colouring matter but also the bile acids.

  40. This yellow colour is due to the presence in the blood of bile or of some of the elements of that secretion.

  41. The effect upon the liver of impediments to the outflow of bile such as those above indicated is in the first place an increase in its size, the whole biliary passages and the liver cells being distended with retained bile.

  42. The obstruction is due to one of the following causes: (1) Obstruction by foreign bodies within the bile duct, e.

  43. Any obstruction of the passage of bile from the liver into the intestinal canal is sooner or later followed by the appearance of jaundice, which in such circumstances is due to the absorption of bile into the blood.

  44. Apart from this, however, jaundice from obstruction may exist for many years, as in those instances where the walls of the bile ducts are thickened from chronic catarrh, but where they are only partially occluded.

  45. The bile thus retained is absorbed into the system, and shows itself by the yellow staining seen to a greater or less extent in all the tissues and many of the fluids of the body.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absorption; acerbity; acid; acidity; acrimony; anger; animosity; asperity; assimilation; bile; bitterness; choler; digestion; discontent; endocrine; gall; hormone; ingestion; liver; malice; mucus; rancor; rheum; saliva; semen; soreness; sourness; sperm; spleen; tear; virulence