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Example sentences for "could well"

  • That such a thing existed, I could well believe, from the talk of undergraduates, whose lot it was to cram for competition of a lower kind.

  • Abashed I were to the last degree," he told me, and I could well believe it; "my last thought was to my poor wife Sally.

  • This I could well understand, for I knew Sur Imar's dread of bad weather, not on his own account but lovely Dariel's.

  • And one conclusion was invariably arrived at, albeit the avenues of talk by which it was reached were as tortuous and inconsequent as could well be.

  • For some unexplained reason we lay here all day doing nothing, although everything was as favourable as it could well be for our departure.

  • The cripple's blunderbuss, of unprecedented calibre, was thrust out of the window, before I could well moderate my quick breathing.

  • He was certainly as low as he could well be when I left him, and what would be the effect of the medicines that I gave him, I hardly then dared to conjecture.

  • The work was as hard as it could well be.

  • We made a joke of the matter and we could well laugh, for our minds were not a little relieved by its ridiculous termination.

  • The rooms are decorated by several French painters of note, and the whole interior is designed by the famous architect Gamier, to as little effect of beauty as could well be.

  • It was as cold, and bare, and poor as it could well be; the roughest workmanship was displayed in the altar, the rails, and the benches.

  • The gentleman who sits at this person's left is as different as could well be.

  • It was a poor place, and the room in which he received Mr. Yorke and his niece was as humble as could well be imagined.

  • I do not see how he could well help it, if he looks anywhere, since your face is within an inch of his nose," remarks Melicent dryly.

  • It was a curious fact, that two churches as remote from each other in doctrine as could well be divided her affections.

  • The case of Number Five is as different from that of Cymon as it could well be.

  • Also the continual round of society and going out brought heavier expenses on him that he could well support.

  • He could well afford it now, and she shrewdly guessed that he would not grudge the coat off his back if he thought that by giving it he might directly or indirectly help Beatrice.

  • On the other hand it would certainly make his name known as a politician, and he was now in a fair way to earn so large an income that he could well afford to risk the money.

  • My road thither lay through a pine-forest, as lonely a tract as could well be imagined, for there were no signs whatever of human habitations.

  • On the green knoll in front were a herd of shaggy mountain horses with their Wallack drivers--as wild a scene as could well be imagined.

  • It was as uninviting a place to spend a night in as could well be imagined.

  • With 'fizz' and recollection, he could well pass a domestic evening.

  • She longed all the more because it could well be seen from the seamstress's helpless attitude that she too would have liked an easy life.

  • The Lady of Aspramonte was glad to embrace the means which this offer presented, of extricating herself from the dispute with as little compromise of dignity as could well be.

  • But the effect which it produced in its appearance was as brilliant as could well be conceived.

  • She told Wu that they had fed three hundred people during the day and we could well believe it.

  • Wu told us that seven different languages were spoken in the city, and we could well believe it, for we recognized Mosos, Lolos, Chinese, and Tibetans.

  • They were telling one another, as I could well imagine, that this was but a ruse on the part of the castle's mistress, intended to deceive them into the belief that Lord Mountjoy had come through their lines in the night.

  • In half an hour he was striking marks at fifty paces that were small enough for Cedric's own aim at twice that distance, and his instructor was prophesying he would be a bonny archer long before he could well handle a broadsword.

  • The outlaw was no novice with the sword, as I who had once before crossed weapons with him, could well testify.

  • Custom had soon habituated me to a liking of lodging in straw, attracted the more by my amorous Bed-fellow, and so long as I had my fill of ease, I could well be contented to fast from Dainties.

  • Certainly Mr. Plantagenet Smith had left the estate in as forlorn a condition as could well be imagined.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could well" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    could believe; could desire; could draw; could give; could help; could imagine; could live; could look; could not have been; could not have done; could not help being; could not help feeling; could produce misleading results; could speak; could swim; could talk; could walk; could well; could wish; garrison duty; good hand; pointed out; she declared; three yards; transitional government; well washed