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Example sentences for "four minutes"

  • Cook three to four minutes, then add half a pint of oyster liquor, boil up, and serve very hot.

  • Set in a baking dish and cook two to four minutes in a hot oven.

  • From the depression between the clavicles to the beginning of the deltoid, six parts, four minutes.

  • The breadth of the torso, at the level of the lowest part of the breast, fifteen parts, four minutes and a half.

  • From the middle of the navel to the base of the belly and beginning of the thighs, eleven parts, four minutes and a half.

  • Keep beating and boiling after being mixed, for three or four minutes; take off and serve.

  • Set it over the fire, and boil it, slowly, about a quarter of an hour; stirring it well.

  • Pour on, slowly, three quarts of boiling water from a kettle.

  • Then strain it into a broad white-ware pan, and set it away to get cold.

  • I had given him Petau's Rationarium, and in four minutes he brought me the first volume of Wolff's works.

  • In the morning the monk wrote me that the passage was made, and that he should only require to work at the ceiling of my cell to break through the last board and this would be done in four minutes.

  • I passed three or four minutes in a kind of swoon, not only motionless but incapable of thinking.

  • Simmer the mince three or four minutes, and serve it on thin sippets of bread.

  • Smooth it with the back of a spoon, wash it over with the yolk of an egg, and put it into the oven for three or four minutes.

  • Besides, the door of the cellar opens and shuts of itself every three or four minutes; which must certainly be the work of the devils seen every night wandering through the country in the shape of pyramidal flames.

  • Standing in the yard, I heard distinctly heavy blows struck under the ground at intervals of three or four minutes.

  • If I love you like this after fifty-four minutes of married life, how do you suppose I shall feel after fifty-four years of it?

  • We have been married," he said, "exactly fifty-four minutes.

  • Shake briskly over the fire, slipping your cake-turner under it to prevent sticking, and in four minutes, double it over in the middle and turn out into a hot dish by a dexterous inversion of the pan.

  • Stew twenty minutes; stir in a tablespoonful of butter, and two tablespoonfuls of fine bread-crumbs; stew three or four minutes to thicken it well, and pour within the hedge of rice.

  • Scald the pieces of chicken in boiling water, leaving them in it four minutes.

  • Stew gently, stirring well, three or four minutes, and turn into a deep dish.

  • Now, since we move, in the diurnal revolution, fifteen degrees in sixty minutes, we must pass over one degree in four minutes.

  • It takes, therefore, four minutes for us to catch up with the sun, after we have made one complete revolution.

  • Put about a pint of water in a skillet to boil; stir up a large spoonful of arrow-root powder in a cup of water; pour it into the skillet while the water is boiling; let them boil together three or four minutes.

  • Beet-tops should be boiled twenty minutes; and spinage three or four minutes.

  • When it boils, pour in as much milk as you like and let them boil together three or four minutes.

  • Let them dry three or four minutes; peel very quickly and serve in an uncovered dish.

  • They will take three or four minutes longer to broil than beef-steaks.

  • Let this simmer for three or four minutes; thicken with a teaspoonful of browned flour, and boil up at once.

  • Boil three or four minutes; stir in three or four tablespoonfuls of cream whipped up with an egg, stir two minutes without letting it boil, and serve.

  • Four minutes in a quick oven should do this.

  • Whip whites and yolks together for four minutes in a bowl with the “Dover” egg beater.

  • Four minutes boils an egg thoroughly, if one likes the white set and the yolk heated to the centre.

  • This was the longest which had been rung on ten bells by ten men only, and occupied four hours and thirty-four minutes.

  • In this attempt, Barham rang the seventh bell for fourteen hours and forty-four minutes before he required to be relieved.

  • It was after a particularly successful performance, where Joe had been loudly applauded for staying under water within a few seconds of four minutes.

  • He was getting accustomed to staying under the water, increasing the time of submersion a few seconds each day, and he did not doubt but he could make a record of four minutes in the course of a month or two.

  • As a matter of fact, Ben never stayed under more than four minutes, though he once, in his earliest attempts, did make it four even.

  • The boy fish has now been under water, without breathing, four minutes, ladies and gentlemen!

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "four minutes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    boundary agreement; foster father; four brothers; four centuries; four cities; four cups; four days; four divisions; four drops; four guns; four inches; four plates; four quarters; four sail; four shillings; four ships; four sides; four spoonfuls; four square; four syllables; four thousand; four vessels; four weeks; fourth pound; other buildings; while yet