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Example sentences for "fifth part"

  • If a man redeems anything of his tithe, he shall add a fifth part to it.

  • Probably one-fifth part of the proceeds of their labor was required of the Israelites in common with the Egyptians.

  • And this buying of services (they were to give one-fifth part of their crops to Pharaoh) is called in Scripture usage, buying the persons.

  • Probably there was the same requisition upon the Israelites for one-fifth part of the proceeds of their labor, that was laid upon the Egyptians.

  • And this buying of services (in this case it was but one-fifth part) is called in Scripture usage, buying the persons.

  • It is noticeable, however, that in his Account of the Greatest English Poets, young Addison gave a fifth part of the piece to expression of the admiration he felt even then for Milton.

  • Zaccheus gave the half of his goods to the poor;9 and we are told that some gave their whole substance: so that their doctors, at length, decreed that no man should give above a fifth part of his goods in alms.

  • But these great mortalities from plague, amounting to perhaps a fifth part of the whole London population in a single season, fell mainly, although not of course exclusively, upon the poorer class.

  • Moreover, he will lose still as much in the following years, because his treasury will receive only one-fifth part of the taxes, unless he has quintupled the imposts.

  • If this proportion had been correct, one-fifth part of our quartern loaf must consist of water and salt, and four-fifths of flour.

  • But the wages of labour in a great town and its neighbourhood, are frequently a fourth or a fifth part, twenty or five-and--twenty per cent.

  • The tax, indeed, of the king of Portugal upon the gold of the Brazils, is the same with the ancient tax of the king of Spain upon the silver of Mexico and Peru; or one-fifth part of the standard metal.

  • For the entrance of the oracle he made doors of olive wood: the lintel [and] door posts were a fifth part [of the wall].

  • In the same Year remitted to my Tenants a Fifth Part of their Rents.

  • The allowance now served regularly to each person was one twenty-fifth part of a pound of bread and a quarter of a pint of water, at eight in the morning, at noon, and at sunset.

  • They now returned thanks to God for His generous protection, and with much content took their miserable allowance of the twenty-fifth part of a pound of bread, and a quarter of a pint of water, for dinner.

  • On the next day, the 16th, was issued for dinner an ounce of salt pork, in addition to their miserable allowance of one twenty-fifth part of a pound of bread.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fifth part" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alimentary canal; blood vessels; broken head; deeply interesting; each kind; each pair; fifth anniversary; fifth birthday; fifth century; fifth chapter; fifth part; fifth year; first came; had taken from the; half pounds; having fallen; heard tell; know none; moral suasion; other men; quarrel with; rich soil; secondary sexual; than the; this portion; what ways