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Example sentences for "findest"

Lexicographically close words:
finde; finden; finder; finders; findes; findet; findeth; findin; finding; findinge
  1. If thou findest me short in this, or to exceed in that, impute all such things to my weakness, of which I am always full.

  2. What of my dross thou findest there, be bold To throw away, but yet preserve the gold; What if my gold be wrapped up in ore?

  3. Take heed thou be not made to seek to the law for life, because of that name and majesty of God which thou findest upon the doctrine of the law (Exo 20:1).

  4. In that thou findest ground enough thereby to make thee humble; and when thou hast done all, yet to count thyself but an unprofitable servant.

  5. If thou findest thyself senseless in some sad measure, yet thou canst not complain of that senselessness, but by being sensible there is a sense of senselessness.

  6. But if thou findest anything here that serveth to thy furtherance and joy of faith, impute that to the mercy of God bestowed on thee and me.

  7. The next thing I take notice of is, that thou findest fault with mine answer to this question.

  8. And it is, as it were, the sum of all promises; neither can any objection be made upon the unworthiness that thou findest in thee, that this promise will not assoil.

  9. Why, at that time when thou feelest and findest thy strength quite gone, even that is the time when the Lord will renew and give thee fresh strength.

  10. If thou findest me there compare thyself to me.

  11. If thou findest me not in those with whom thou comparest thyself, thou comparest thyself with him that is abominable.

  12. What of my dross thou findest there, be bold To throw away; but yet preserve the gold.

  13. Turn thy thoughts now to thy life under thy grandfather, then to thy life under thy mother, then to thy life under thy father; and as thou findest many other differences and changes and terminations, ask thyself, Is this anything to fear?

  14. So he swore to kill every prisoner from that place and told the Kaptan of this, saying, 'There is no help for it but thou fall on the ships of the Moslems and seize them and whomsoever thou findest of Alexandria, kill him or bring him to me.

  15. If thou findest a debater in his moment, a poor man, that is to say, not thine equal, let not thine heart leap out at him when he is feeble.

  16. When the forty days are past, he will come back and fetch me; and this is my story and why thou findest me here alone.

  17. Grieve not if Thou findest none ready to receive Thy gifts.

  18. And wherefore art thou sad for the want of that love, but because thou lovest him in some measure, and withal findest him beyond all that thou canst think and love?

  19. Do not measure the call into duties by the strength thou findest in thyself, but look unto him who strengtheneth us with all might.

  20. In the morning when thou findest thyself unwilling to rise, consider with thyself presently, it is to go about a man's work that I am stirred up.

  21. In vain wilt thou go to Schönbrunn, to Downing Street, to the Palais Bourbon: thou findest nothing there but brick or stone houses, and some bundles of Papers tied with tape.

  22. The drop which thou shakest from thy wet hand, rests not where it falls, but to-morrow thou findest it swept away; already on the wings of the Northwind, it is nearing the Tropic of Cancer.

  23. Esdr 2:23 Wheresoever thou findest the dead, take them and bury them, and I will give thee the first place in my resurrection.

  24. Abba Chalepha Keruya once remarked to Rav Cheyah bar Abba, "The sum total of Jacob's family thou findest reckoned at seventy, whereas the numbers added up make only sixty-nine.

  25. Thou findest that when Solomon desired to build the Temple he sent to Pharaoh Necho a request to send him artisans on hire.

  26. Thou findest arts of all kinds; choose then for thyself that which is like to be of greatest service to thee.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "findest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.