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Example sentences for "firmans"

Lexicographically close words:
firmam; firmament; firmamental; firmaments; firman; firme; firmed; firmely; firmer; firmest
  1. His first proceeding was to appear before the cadi, whom he compelled to register and proclaim his firmans of investiture.

  2. Such is his influence, that many believe he could even subvert the authority of the Shah himself, and make his subjects look upon his firmans as worthless, as so much waste paper.

  3. Notwithstanding the repeated injunctions given in successive firmans that we were on no account to pass the limits of the city walls, I walked out through the City Gate.

  4. In the centre of the court, a stately fountain pours forth its sparkling waters; and on the left hand as you enter is situated the marble balcony from which are read all the Imperial Firmans that possess public interest.

  5. In consequence of those firmans which order the Transylvania guards to assemble in the camp of the Grand Vizier, it will be our misfortune not to see you in our circle longer.

  6. All those in command of Turkish troops now in Transylvania have received firmans ordering them to join the army of the General-in-chief at Neuhauesel as soon as possible.

  7. I said that both Mohhammad Ali and the Sultan were satisfied as to the innocence of the accused, and they had both given me firmans confirming their opinion.

  8. He is recorded to have ordered that his reign should be reckoned from the day of his father's "martyrdom"; and there are firmans of his patent-office still forthcoming in confirmation of the record.

  9. While I was at work I received a letter from His Highness, directing me to inform him as soon as I was ready to start, in order that the firmans for pack-horses, tent, and guard might be made out.

  10. Firmans for pack-horses, tents, and guard procured, and I took a formal leave of His Highness the Amir.

  11. Strictly construed, the whole body of instructions, including firmans and khedive's proclamations, is not technically compact nor coherent.

  12. Their argument for this, based on certain firmans of the Porte, and certain decrees of the Khedive, has been constantly denied by the Egyptians.

  13. The Turks have footing enough with their firmans in Egypt.

  14. Egypt has gained this independent position through the Firmans granted, and we will take care that she preserves it.

  15. Of what use are firmans when they are acquired at will by presents of gold?

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "firmans" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.