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Example sentences for "firmed"

Lexicographically close words:
firmamental; firmaments; firman; firmans; firme; firmely; firmer; firmest; firming; firmiter
  1. And so haue ye this proposiciõ declared and opened / The same ys cõfirmed / by the example of Christ our Sauiour.

  2. This licence was written vpon a borde whited, and firmed by the iustice, whose charge it is to giue the licence.

  3. This handful can be replaced in the bed, packed down, and the soil covered over and firmed again at this point.

  4. The bed is now firmed down according to the custom of the operator, either tamped down with some instrument very firmly, or by others, with the back of the fork or other similar instrument, the bed is made firm, but not quite so hard.

  5. This smooth surface readily sheds rain water, but I question if it has any advantage over a well-firmed unglazed surface.

  6. The soil should always be well firmed about the roots.

  7. The soil has also been firmed about them.

  8. Some very skillful makers and judges of cheese have always contended that if Cheddar is properly made, firmed to the body and texture of a high-class cheese, ripening at 55 to 60 deg.

  9. In making this cheese, the milk is coagulated with rennet, cut and firmed in the whey, allowed to settle and the whey drawn.

  10. For the proper cheddaring of a curd, it is necessary that it be properly firmed in the whey.

  11. The curds should not be mixed until they are well firmed or the white curd will take on a greenish cast and spoil the appearance of the cheese.

  12. If the curd is properly firmed in the whey and the whey is removed before too much acid has developed, it is impossible to make a sour cheese.

  13. When the curd has firmed enough, or when sufficient acid development, from 0.

  14. When, in the judgment of the cheese-maker, the curd has become sufficiently firmed in the whey, the whey is drawn down to the surface of the curd.

  15. When the curd has been heated sufficiently and has become firmed in the whey, it should be removed from the whey.

  16. If the curd has enough acid and has not begun to firm up much, the whey should be drawn down to the surface of the curd, water the temperature of the whey and curd put into the vat, and the curd firmed up in this water.

  17. The curd is firmed more in the whey than for Limburger, and more acid is developed.

  18. If the curd has not become firm enough by natural forces, when the acid development has reached the proper stage to remove the whey, it must be firmed by other means.

  19. If the curd has been properly made, that is, firmed up in the whey with the proper acidity so far, acid development during the cheddaring process will take care of itself.

  20. If the milk is not so ripe and the curd nearly firm enough, the whey may be drawn off and the curd firmed up by hard stirring in the vat or sink.

  21. The plants should be set from 5 to 6 inches apart in the rows and the earth well firmed around each one.

  22. The seed, which must be not over one year old, should be sown as early as possible in well-prepared soil, firmed with the feet or roller.

  23. The roots are laid in a furrow or trench, and are covered with well-firmed earth.

  24. Large seeds, as beans and peas, may be planted deep and have the earth firmed about them, and then the rake may be applied to the surface to stop the rise of moisture before it reaches the air.

  25. In the planting of any tree or bush, the roots should be cut back beyond all breaks and serious bruises, and fine earth should be thoroughly filled in and firmed about them, as in Fig.

  26. Every spring the lawn should be firmed by means of a roller, or, if the area is small, by means of a pounder, or the back of a spade in the hands of a vigorous man.

  27. The soil is firmed over the seed by the use of the feet, the back of a hoe, or a garden roller.

  28. After the seeds are sown and covered, the surface should again be firmed by means of a smooth board.

  29. This should be firmed with the back of the hoe and then covered with a sprinkle of loose dirt to serve as a mulch.

  30. If a window box is employed for starting early plants in a dwelling, the soil should be well firmed and then laid off in straight rows about 2 inches apart.

  31. In all cases where the soil of the seed bed is not too wet it should be well firmed or pressed down before laying off and marking for sowing the seeds.

  32. In most cases, however, screens will not be needed by celery and similar seeds if the ground is in the proper condition and is well firmed at planting time.

  33. To prevent drying in out-door culture, it is important that the earth be well firmed over the seeds.

  34. Very small seeds should be sown upon the surface, which has previously been well firmed and levelled, and then covered with a very thin layer of finely sifted soil or a little old and dead moss rubbed through a sieve.

  35. Or the earth may be firmed with a hoe or the back of a spade, or a board may be placed upon the row and then be thoroughly settled by walking over it.

  36. Grant that the Fates have firmed by their decree.

  37. And Jove has firmed it with an awful nod.

  38. After this water had soaked away, dry earth was drawn about the slip and firmed and looser earth drawn over this, the only tools being the naked hands and dipper.

  39. I find in my con- firmed age the same sins I discovered in my youth; I committed many then because I was a child; and, because I commit them still, I am yet an infant.

  40. The seed, which must be not over one year old, should be sown as early as possible in well prepared soil, firmed with the feet or roller.

  41. The soil for all seeds should be loose and porous, in order to allow the excessive moisture to escape and the warmth to penetrate, but should be firmed directly over the seeds to induce an upward flow of moisture.

  42. Fine soil should be worked around the roots and firmed with the feet.

  43. If your plants are set too deep they rot, if too high they dry, if not well firmed they fail.

  44. The crown buds should be in plain sight, after the ground is firmed and leveled, just in sight and no more.

  45. The spaces between and around the bulbs to be filled with moistened fibre, carefully firmed in by hand.

  46. The most satisfactory soil is a rich fibrous loam, with the addition of one-fourth of well-rotted manure and a small proportion of sand, and the compost must be well firmed into the pots with the ramming stick.

  47. Moments later, when the prisoner's erection firmed and grew moist, she saw curiosity.

  48. Moments later, when the man's erection firmed and grew moist, he looked curious.

  49. He should have been seriously embarrassed, to the point of having to leave; instead, he found himself intrigued by the phenomenon as the man's erection firmed and grew moist.

  50. The French clergie wrote in the behalfe of Clement their pope, & cōfirmed their script or writing with the vniuersitie seale of Paris.

  51. If sown in this manner the soil should be worked into a fine condition and firmed as much as possible.

  52. Sweet clover does best when seeded on a well-firmed seed bed which has only sufficient loose soil on the surface to cover the seed.

  53. For lacke of time the gouernours haue not firmed this letter: which is the copie of the other two letters firmed by them.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "firmed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.