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Example sentences for "firme"

Lexicographically close words:
firmament; firmamental; firmaments; firman; firmans; firmed; firmely; firmer; firmest; firming
  1. But yet hauing care of those whom he had lefte on the firme lande, he made haste to Tlacopan.

  2. The next daye they came forth againe, and wanne the other foure bridges, and dammed them vp with earth, in such sorte, that the Horsemen that way followed the enimies to the firme lande.

  3. Yet ere thou go, but answer me one doubt: What Pledge haue we of thy firme Loyalty?

  4. One of his Souldiers espying this, sayd merrily vnto him: You had almost fallen my Lord, but you haue well maintained your standing, and haue now taken deepe and firme footing in the soyle of England.

  5. But the Dukes Armie receiued them in close and firme order; so as vpon the losse of many of the foremost, the residue began somewhat to retire.

  6. Hee was of a firme and strong constitution for his health; so as he neuer was attached with sicknesse, but that which was the summons of his death: and in his age seemed little to feele the heauie weight and burthen of yeeres.

  7. He was most firme and assured in his word: and to those who did otherwise aduise him, he would say; That God did stand obliged by his word.

  8. But the king with a firme countenance retired in time, the enemies not daring to pursue him any further, then they might be assured by aduantage of place.

  9. By encouragement of Woolstane not onely the citie of Worcester was maintained in firme condition for the King, but his enemies receiued there a famous foyle; the greatest part being slaine, and the residue dispersed.

  10. And partly that shuch an [54] acte by them done (this their condition considered) might be as firme as any patent, and in some respects more sure.

  11. The Spanyards as then suspected that they would haue returned vnto the firme land, and not haue gone vnto Manilla, but to haue left them there all alone vpon that iland.

  12. This kingdome of Mexico is the firme land: on the one side it hath the north sea, and on the other side the south sea: it is not possible to declare the bredth and length thereof, for that vnto this day it is not all discouered.

  13. And there he pretended to liue in securitie, without feare that before he had of the kings great fleete, for that it was so farre distant from the firme lande.

  14. Hee'le say they flow not on th' uncertaine tide Of greatnesse, they can no firme basis have, Upon the trepidation of a wave.

  15. If they should wish to start on their discoveries from Tierra Firme or from the island of Sant Miguel, and go through the southern sea, they may do so.

  16. Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila, In the Provinces of Tierra Firme or Castilla del Oro, & of the discovery of the South Sea and the Coasts of Peru and Nicaragua.

  17. At this time the Viceroy Blasco Nuñez Vela was very anxious to leave Tierra Firme and, embarking on the South Sea, to navigate in haste to the coast of Peru.

  18. But my firme loue could this assault well beare, Which vertue had, not beauty for his ground.

  19. One of two "very good dry firme peares, somewhat spotted, and brownish on the outside.

  20. Both of them are very good dry firme peares somewhat spotted, and brownish on the outside.

  21. I'me soddaine, lady, In my resolve, but firme as fate.

  22. Footnote 10: The instrument making this extraordinary disclosure is cited at length in a manuscript entitled Noticia General del Peru, Tierra Firme y Chili, by Francisco Lopez de Caravantes, a fiscal officer in these colonies.

  23. This chapter of the gossiping old chronicler describes a conversation between the governor of Tierra Firme and Almagro, at which the writer was present.

  24. The King hath graunted euery Article: His Daughter first; and in sequele, all, According to their firme proposed natures Exet.

  25. Thou art a tyrant to say so: thou wouldst make an absolute Courtier, and the firme fixture of thy foote, would giue an excellent motion to thy gate, in a semicircled Farthingale.

  26. We sent our Pinace to the firme land of Sumatra, there to seeke for some reliefe: for that where we lay there dwelt not any man.

  27. I wish I saw the highway of Loch Firme that leads down the slope of the sea where the towns pack close together and fires are warm!

  28. The Spaniards of Tierra Firme were simply paralyzed with fright at the apparition of pirates in the centre of the kingdom.

  29. Now drinkes he up seas, and he eates up flocks, He justles Ilands, and he shakes firme rockes.

  30. Within three or foure dayes after the first standing of the yce, when it was firme and strong, they tooke out all their goods, being fourty and eight bales or packes of raw silke, &c.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "firme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.