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Example sentences for "foreclosing"

Lexicographically close words:
forecastle; forecastles; forecasts; foreclose; foreclosed; foreclosure; foreclosures; forecourt; foredeck; foredoom
  1. I even went beyond the request which the man made, by including another clause which prevents me or my heirs from foreclosing before the expiration of two years after the last payment of interest.

  2. I have misled him into the belief that I was foreclosing because of the small loan I made last spring, and I trusted to his usual secrecy and apparent ignorance to say nothing about it to any one.

  3. Part of that success, she knew, derived from his practice of lending money to hard-pressed freeholders at generous rates but short terms, then foreclosing on their lands the moment the sight bills came due.

  4. If you try foreclosing on that sugarworks, I'll call you out.

  5. What is meant by foreclosing a lien in equity?

  6. A pledgee may sell by foreclosing his lien in equity.

  7. By statute in most states, the bailee is permitted to sell the property, by giving notice of the time and place of sale to the bailor, or by foreclosing his lien by a legal action.

  8. The common method afforded a mortgagee of foreclosing a mortgagor's equity of redemption is by the petition in equity above described.

  9. This last procedure is called foreclosing the mortgage.

  10. He was on the point of foreclosing a mortgage, by which he would complete the ruin of an unlucky land-speculator for whom he had professed the greatest friendship.

  11. If the mortgagee, without foreclosing the property, should sue the mortgagor directly on the debt, the latter would be compelled to pay.

  12. We speak of foreclosing a mortgage, but, strictly, it is the debtor's right to redeem which is foreclosed.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreclosing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.