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Example sentences for "foreclosures"

Lexicographically close words:
forecasts; foreclose; foreclosed; foreclosing; foreclosure; forecourt; foredeck; foredoom; foredoomed; forefather
  1. Foreclosures became the order, and suits were minute affairs.

  2. Already there were a few foreclosures in process, and excitement ran high.

  3. There be foreclosures mayhap, that a be to be thoft of.

  4. Sir Arthur owns he is in the power of the avaricious Abimelech, and I believe is in dread of foreclosures that might even eject him from Wenbourne Hill.

  5. I have publicly asked that foreclosures on farms and chattels and on homes be delayed until every mortgagor in the country shall have had full opportunity to take advantage of federal credit.

  6. This is evidenced by the relative number and amount of farm-mortgage foreclosures in the State, as a whole, and in its several sections at the present time and in the past.

  7. In this comment Mr. Powers deals with the reduction in the number of foreclosures in Minnesota.

  8. Properly to use those foreclosures as a measure of the increasing prosperity of the Minnesota wheat farmer, two facts should be kept in mind.

  9. This increasing farm prosperity in Minnesota, which lessens the mortgage foreclosures of the exclusive wheat growers forty per cent in thirty years, has been the main factor in the settlement of Minnesota and the two Dakotas.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreclosures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.