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Example sentences for "founden"

Lexicographically close words:
foundation; foundational; foundations; founde; founded; founder; foundered; founderies; foundering; founders
  1. And anoon they wenten into seynt Jones feld, and there they founden alle the arrysers.

  2. Also in this yere was grete and stronge batailes of sparwes in Engelond in diverses places, whereof the bodyes were founden in the feldes dede withoughte noumbre.

  3. Jugement of onest men of the seyd felyshippis not founden in non suche defaute.

  4. The thirde chapitre of the first tractate treteth wherfore the playe was founden and maad.

  5. For seygnourye by force and wylle may not longe endure/ Than thus may thou see oon of the causes why and wherfore I haue founden and maad thys playe/ whyche is for to correcte and repent the of thy tyrannye and vicyous lyuynge/ .

  6. The first chapitre is under what kynge this play was founden The .

  7. The causes wherfore this playe was founden ben thre/ the first was for to correcte and repreue the kynge .

  8. And who so that may be founden with that synne, sykerly thei slen hym.

  9. Upon arrival in port, masters and mariners alike contributed to the charity because “the wheche prest and pore peple may nott be founden ne susteyned withoute grete coste.

  10. For I right now have founden o manere Of sleighte, for to coveren al thy chere.

  11. But why, lest that this lettre founden were, No mencioun ne make I now, for fere.

  12. Thou hast left for to knowen thy-self, what thou art; thorugh whiche I have pleynly founden the cause of thy maladye, or elles the entree of recoveringe of thyn hele.

  13. For right now have I founden o manere Of sleighte, for to coveren al thy chere.

  14. Now pleyne thee nat thanne of richesse y-lorn, sin thou hast founden the moste precious kinde of richesses, that is to seyn, thy verray freendes.

  15. Tho sette I the centre of this Alhabor up-on 18 degrees among myn almikanteras, up-on the west syde; by-cause that she was founden on the west syde.

  16. The herd of hertes founden is anoon, With 'hey!

  17. After goynge be see and be londe, toward this contree, of that I have spoke, and to other yles and londes bezonde that contree, I have founden the sterre Antartyk of 33 degrees of heghte, and mo mynutes.

  18. And whan thei weren comen azen fro the chace, thei wenten and soughten the wodes, zif ony of hem had ben hid in the thikke of the wodes: and manye thei founden and slowen hem anon.

  19. For the trouthe of thinges and the profit been rather founden in fewe folk that been wyse and ful of resoun, than by greet multitude of folk, ther every man cryeth and clatereth what that him lyketh.

  20. A maner sergeant was this privee man, The which that feithful ofte he founden hadde 520 In thinges grete, and eek swich folk wel can Don execucioun on thinges badde.

  21. For though that he ne fond no good [206] womman, certes, ful many another man hath founden many a womman ful good and trewe.

  22. To king Alla was told al this meschance, 610 And eek the tyme, and where, and in what wyse That in a ship was founden dame Custance, As heer-biforn that ye han herd devyse.

  23. By somme general signe now, In what place thou shalt founden be, If that men had mister of thee; And how men shal thee best espye, For thee to knowe is greet maistrye; 6080 Tel in what place is thyn haunting.

  24. Alle men wole holde thee for musarde, That debonair have founden thee, 4035 It sit thee nought curteis to be; To do men plesaunce or servyse, In thee it is recreaundyse.

  25. The cherl they founden hem aforn Ligging undir an hawethorn.

  26. O ruby, rubifyed in the passioun 85 Al of thy sone, among have us in minde, O stedfast dyamaunt of duracioun, That fewe feres that tyme might thou finde, For noon to him was founden half so kinde!

  27. And with that I held my pees a greet whyle; and ever sithen I have me bethought on the man that sought the precious Margarytes; and whan he had founden oon to his lyking, he solde al his good to bye that jewel.

  28. Very welth may not be founden in al this worlde; and that is wel sene.

  29. This dualite, after clerkes +determinison, is founden in every 30 creature, be it never so single of onhed.

  30. More light it is to kepe than to make; But that we founden mad to-fore the hond We kepe nat, but lete it lightly slake; 220 The pees of Crist hath al to-broke his bond.

  31. But thou that playnest of losse in richesse, hast founden the most dere-worthy thing; that thou clepest unsely hath made thee moche thing to winnen.

  32. Whan that the high god aungels formed had, 155 Among hem alle whether ther were noon That founden was malicious and bad?

  33. Laban said to him: I have founden grace in thy sight; I know it by experience that God hath blessed me for thee; I have ordained the reward that I shall give to thee.

  34. What hast thou now founden of all the substance of thy house?

  35. To whom Christopher said: Then he is greater, and more mightier than thou, when thou art afraid of his sign, and I see well that I have labored in vain, when I have not founden the greatest Lord of the world.

  36. And also with gret diligence Thei founden thilke experience, Which cleped is Alconomie, Wherof the Selver multeplie 2460 Thei made and ek the gold also.

  37. Tho seiden some he scholde deie, Bot yit thei founden such a weie That he schal noght be ded in Perse; And thus the skiles ben diverse.

  38. Thei loken in, where as thei founde A bodi ded, which was bewounde In cloth of gold, as I seide er, The tresor ek thei founden ther 1180 Forth with the lettre, which thei rede.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "founden" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.