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Example sentences for "foureteene"

Lexicographically close words:
fountayne; founts; four; foure; fourescore; foureteenth; fourfold; fourfooted; fourme; fourmis
  1. Euery one of them hath his house, which is very little, set vpon six or eight posts, and they go vp to them with a ladder of twelue or foureteene staues.

  2. The 19 day considering that the Frenchman were gone before vs, and that by reason of the vnholesome aires of this place foureteene of our men in the Minion were fallen sicke, we determined to depart, and with all speed to go to the Mina.

  3. In the Rode you shall ride in thirteene or foureteene fadomes, good oaze and sand, being the markes of the Rode to bring the Island and the Northeast land together, and here we ankered the last of December.

  4. So we tooke out of them for vs foureteene tunnes and a halfe of wine, and one tunne we put into the pinnesse.

  5. The duke of Glocester foure hundred and seauentie lances, and foureteene hundred and ten archers.

  6. This Henrie the fourth reigned in this estate ouer them foureteene yeares.

  7. Out of the South in like sort falleth another arme called Sheepes eie and at Hopelode (which is foureteene miles from Lin) did fall into the sea.

  8. There are likewise fourtie and six citizens, 289 burgesses, and foureteene barons, so that the whole assemblie of the laitie of the lower house, consisteth of foure hundred thirtie and nine persons, if the iust number be supplied.

  9. Also Thomas Knelsworth that had beene maior of London, and his shiriffes, were sent to the kings Bench, till they were put to their fines of foureteene hundred pounds.

  10. This bridge hath foureteene great arches, and a long cawsie with smaller arches, all made of stone, new walled on each side.

  11. The charges whereof amounted (as some report, vpon credible information as they saie) to foureteene thousand pounds.

  12. They had also foureteene or fifteene men more, which were then absent from the ship; otherwise we should haue had the hoter fight.

  13. I haue ten or foureteene children, I will giue you some one or more of them, &c.

  14. I came to Venice at the time of a Faire, which lasted foureteene dayes, wherein I sawe very many, and faire shewes of wares.

  15. There was another this yeere in Helford that also came from thence, and had bene foureteene moneths at an anker in Amazones, which were both very rich.

  16. If thou chance to arriue on this coast in the time of the Northeast windes, thou shalt seeke to fall with the land in foureteene degrees.

  17. Clowt at Twelue-score, and carryed you a fore-hand Shaft at foureteene, and foureteene and a halfe, that it would haue done a mans heart good to see.

  18. My Father Glendower is not readie yet, Nor shall wee neede his helpe these foureteene dayes: Within that space, you may haue drawne together Your Tenants, Friends, and neighbouring Gentlemen Glend.

  19. By my troth thou hast an open hand: these Wisemen that giue fooles money, get themselues a good report, after foureteene yeares purchase.

  20. My Lord of Suffolke, within foureteene dayes At Bristow I expect my Souldiers, For there Ile shippe them all for Ireland Suff.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foureteene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.