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Example sentences for "galvanism"

Lexicographically close words:
galore; galoshes; gals; galvanic; galvanised; galvanization; galvanize; galvanized; galvanizing; galvanometer
  1. Treatment: Tube emptied into the uterus by applications of positive galvanism to the left horn of the cavity of the uterus.

  2. Galvanism or electricity has come to the rescue of this class of cases, as a safe and reliable method of treatment; of course it takes more time and patience.

  3. I have employed galvanism for either with the most brilliant results.

  4. By the use of an intermittent current of galvanism it is possible to make the respiratory muscles of an animal recently dead act in precise imitation of life, and the heart can be excited into brisk contraction by the same means.

  5. Perhaps the attribution or analogy may seem fanciful at first sight, but I am in the habit of realizing to myself Magnetism as length; Electricity as breadth or surface; and Galvanism as depth.

  6. To Jack howe'er this gave but slight concern: His soul (like galvanism upon the dead) Acted upon the living as on wire, And led them back into the heaviest fire.

  7. Galvanism and voltaic electricity are the same.

  8. Of the sources of electricity we have mentioned two: Friction, and Galvanism or chemical action.

  9. The bladder did not improve much until after regular washing out and intravesical galvanism were used, with full doses of strychnia.

  10. But that thrilling galvanism does not alter human kind; and sometimes Mr. Gibson forces us to realise the vast unreason of war by bringing into withering contact with its current a mind still preoccupied with the habits of peace.

  11. The poems are moments isolated and fixed out of the infinite changing flux of human reaction to the terrible galvanism of war.

  12. Galvanism cannot operate in any of the modes in which the stroke of lightning may have operated, except the single one of producing muscular convulsions.

  13. Galvanism was so called precisely as the Roentgen ray was christened at a later day--as a safe means of begging the question as to the nature of the phenomena involved.

  14. Galvanism can not operate in any of the modes in which the stroke of lightning may have operated, except the single one of producing muscular convulsions.

  15. A very excellent method of applying both cold and galvanism to the head, at the same time, is afforded by a species of refrigerating electrode, designed by myself for this purpose.

  16. The tremor was so violent that the patient could not walk; she also had stomatitis; but ultimately, by treatment with galvanism and other remedies, she recovered.

  17. Defn: The use of galvanism in physiological experiments.

  18. Note: The words galvanism and galvanic, formerly in very general use, are now rarely employed.

  19. It is all-important, however, and especially in the case of applying galvanism for the relief of pain.

  20. There are sundry special applications of galvanism to particular forms of neuralgia which require a few words of notice.

  21. The matter of regularity is, I find, of great consequence, and it will not do to intermit the galvanism immediately on the occurrence of a break in the neuralgic attacks: it should be continued for some days longer.

  22. He identifies the nervous fluid with galvanism and voltaic electricity, and asserts that by a galvanic battery all the results can be obtained which mesmerism claims as its own.

  23. Experiments in galvanism were made on the body of Forster the murderer, by Galvani's nephew, Professor Aldini, January and February, 1803.

  24. One hundred and four minutes, galvanism renewed; subject swallowed a little brandy-and-water.

  25. See the treatment by galvanism under “Suffocation.

  26. If the body is warm, cold affusions may be applied to the head and chest, and galvanism may be used.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "galvanism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.