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Example sentences for "emptied"

Lexicographically close words:
empresses; emprise; empt; empted; emptie; emptier; empties; emptily; emptiness; emption
  1. When he had emptied his pipe, he went up on the mountain ridge west of the river, reached the top, and walked some distance down on the western slope, sat again and smoked a second time.

  2. Then he emptied the ten otter-skins into the water.

  3. Nodal Monoko went out and emptied his bag.

  4. The skin was spread, and Kaltsauna emptied his robe full of arrow-points on it.

  5. But for the exposure we would have emptied the prison.

  6. Seeing how I enjoyed it, he emptied the satchel, giving all his food to my hungry fellow prisoners.

  7. I didn't dare trust myself to carry the thing complete, so I emptied the acid into the sarcophagus.

  8. Quickly he emptied them out and replaced them with others from jars which had not been made up into packets.

  9. A moment's silence and then the elder Lamotte emptied his glass and set it down, saying as he did so: "Well, but the point is not yet reached.

  10. He stirs the fire briskly, takes another sip from his half emptied cup, and goes off in a reverie.

  11. This being given him he pours out the chloroform carefully, and wipes the emptied bottle.

  12. It not only kicked up a dust but it set all the horses to kicking up, and though it did not kill anybody, as far as was afterwards ascertained, it emptied a dozen saddles by the rearing and plunging of the steeds.

  13. I could not hit hard enough at a man with whom I have emptied so many skins of Sabine.

  14. He has not seen the palace yet," said Placidus, laughing, as he emptied his cup and turned to the other guests.

  15. Montanus turned round and emptied a brimming goblet to his health.

  16. A mouldy crust of bread, slipped from the lid of an open trunk full of clothing, lay on the floor, and a wine-jar emptied to the dregs stood by its side.

  17. Her heart stood still in the agony of her suspense, lest he should mark the change she had made so warily; but the goblets were exactly alike, and he seized the nearest without hesitation, and half-emptied it ere he set it down.

  18. The Emperor returned to the room where he had supped; seized a flagon of Falernian, filled himself a large goblet which he half-emptied at a draught, and set it down on the board with a deep sigh of satisfaction.

  19. He emptied the cup, and flung it from him with an angry jerk.

  20. Montanus emptied his own goblet with the air of a man who thoroughly appreciated the vintage he extolled.

  21. When he had swallowed a little, he took the glass himself and emptied it.

  22. He emptied and put down the wine-glass half-way through this ancient civic toast, and took up the box.

  23. He ate all that was placed before him, emptied his bottle of wine, called for a glass of rum, and smoked his cigarette with his cup of coffee.

  24. From the Dead Sea to the head of the Red Sea is a well-marked trough, supposed to indicate that the Jordan once emptied into the Red Sea.

  25. And Athos seized the last bottle by the neck, put it to his mouth, and emptied it as though it had been an ordinary glass.

  26. And Athos emptied at a draught the cup that stood before him.

  27. These the holy personage in our company always emptied to the uttermost, and then would romp and wrestle with the schoolmaster, and perform all kinds of frolics.

  28. He could hear the muffled roar of the torrent below him at the bottom of the ravine, talking and grumbling to itself, as it emptied its volume of water swollen by the heavy rains and sent it swirling out into the long green pool below.

  29. Having emptied the shell I stooped to set it by, and when I looked again she had vanished into her own small cave.

  30. At this, I emptied them from the quiver, and though their iron barbs looked innocent enough, I held each in the fire until I judged I had rendered them harmless if poisoned they were indeed.

  31. The office is emptied of all its contents, and the bags, securely made up, are forwarded under care of other officers in different trains, proceeding far and near.

  32. Old French mothers stole in timorously and offered their services, the service of their hands and emptied hearts.

  33. The milk indicated was condensed milk in a half-emptied can; the bottle was the regulation kind for babies and as filthy as dirty glass could look.

  34. I only felt that I had deserved the rebuke, and was thankful that Aline had slipped the flask and some of Martin Lorimer's cigars into my pocket, while Robertson smiled broadly as in defiance of his orders he emptied the silver cup.

  35. It was emptied several times, and I began to foresee that the temperance demonstration would fail miserably, as it might have done but for Johnston's ready wit and the opposite party's imprudence.

  36. The mania continued to increase, and within a few months all the principal towns were nearly emptied of their population.

  37. The water from this spring is emptied into the Colorado River of the West, which river empties into the Gulf of California.

  38. And putting his glass to his lips, he emptied it to the dregs.

  39. The minister's daughter poured out tea, whilst a servant handed him a cut-glass of Bavarian beer, which he half emptied at one draught.

  40. To your good watch," said Herr Duve, as he emptied the proffered beaker.

  41. He emptied a glass of punch and left the room.

  42. Close at hand, another shaft full of water was in process of being slowly emptied by means of an enormous bag of ox-hide attached to the cable of the malacate.

  43. I, not thinking about the cruelty of the wish, and I emptied my purse into Perico's outstretched hand.

  44. He took out his scotch bottle again and half emptied it.

  45. He reached for his bottle, emptied it, then dropped it on the fallen croupier.

  46. Meanwhile Assja had emptied her glass and come down, roguishly swaying to and fro.

  47. The newspapers have emptied their vials of wrath or ridicule upon Mr. Bennett for his duel with young May: now in horror over his resort to the measured ground, and anon in scorn at the bloodless result.

  48. I hope they haven't more than emptied the treasury for those flowers," said Babe anxiously, when she saw them.

  49. The train was nearly emptied of its Harding contingent when all at once Betty gave a little cry and darted forward to meet a girl who was making an unusually careful and prolonged inspection of the crowd below her.

  50. Drawers had been emptied and dusted, loose papers and memoranda sorted and either burnt or arranged and docketed, ledgers entered up to the last item in his firm handwriting, and finally closed.

  51. They seemed all to be emptied of their folk this Sabbath morn; though whether the inhabitants were at work, or in church, or had shot themselves from depression induced by the weather, it was impossible to tell.

  52. From eight to one they had continually emptied immense jugs of beer, and smoked, and sung English and German songs in profound chorus.

  53. The spring was but a thread oozing from the soil; but the Hadji collected it in handfuls, which he emptied into his water-skin, and then brought to us.

  54. He coolly produced his handkerchief, emptied everything into it, and marched off.

  55. He himself began to wonder whence they had come: by now, it seemed to him, both Big Run and San Ramon must have emptied themselves like bags of wheat slashed with a knife.

  56. There was water where he had left his saddle; he could count on that positively and could get to it before he had emptied his canteen.

  57. Ed True, however, lacked the cool nerve and emptied his revolver.

  58. Ed True emptied his cylinder and cursed and began filling it again.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emptied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.