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Example sentences for "geeve"

Lexicographically close words:
geere; gees; geese; geet; geev; geezer; gefahren; gefallen; gefe; gefunden
  1. Masking his chagrin, the Frenchman laughed in ridicule: "I geeve otter for dog.

  2. Because of de freeze-up would he geeve hees pup to dose dog-stealer?

  3. I geeve two marten for de dog," he said, rising quickly.

  4. W'at you t'ink, Jean Marcel, you geeve dose feesh to de dog w'en we starve?

  5. The broad face of Kovik widened in a mysterious smile as he asked: "You geeve black fox for dog?

  6. I geeve you de beaver and bid you, bon jour, to-morrow!

  7. Eef I keel heem I would geeve de bodee to de lynx and wolverines out in de snow.

  8. Geeve her som' bat' hon de lake," advised Dave, before disappearing in search of certain herbs for which he had found a use.

  9. She'd go to La Roche an' mak' heem geeve her sheltaire.

  10. Eef to her I geeve eet not, I can geeve eet not to you, desolation as eet make of my heart.

  11. But eet have geeve to me so joyous extrodinaire eet to know!

  12. Ah, but her aunt, Mees Wentsteele, she geeve her one dot: two thousand hundred dollar.

  13. Eet ees to she what have eet wrote dat eet weell be to geeve eet.

  14. I weel promees in the contract to geeve you one ten tousant tollars--deux mille--two tousant avery yare for fife yare.

  15. So the old gentleman one day remarked to some friends who drank wine with him, that he would geeve one ten tousant tollare, begare, to te man tat maree his oltest daughtare, Mathilde.

  16. I am go geeve thee pit-ee to poor Skip' Jim.

  17. I geeve nine dollar fifty to thee Orth'dox Church in Washin'ton Street in one year.

  18. Then I theenk: 'I have geeve the good boy thee watch for one eighteen.

  19. Dat's w'y I lak' to geeve it to my enemy.

  20. An' eef I ask her lika dees For geevin' me a leetla keess, You s'pose she geeve me wan or two?

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geeve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.