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Example sentences for "generallie"

Lexicographically close words:
generalized; generalizes; generalizing; generall; generalle; generally; generalmente; generals; generalship; generate
  1. For of eclipses, as well such as are proper to the sunne, as also those that are peculiar to the moone, the position is not so generallie deliuered, as it is constantlie beléeued.

  2. The Iewes in one night were generallie apprehended, and put in prison through all the parts of England, and so kept in durance, till they had fined at the kings pleasure.

  3. Certes it hath generallie decaied about Saffron Walden since the said time, vntill now of late within these two yeares, that men began againe to plant and renew the same, because of the great commoditie.

  4. Certes there is no parcell of the maine, wherin a man shall generallie find more fine and wholesome water than in England; and therefore it is impossible that our sheepe should decaie by tasting of the same.

  5. Yet thus much will I saie generallie of all the houses and honours perteining to hir maiestie, that they are builded either of square stone or bricke, or else of both.

  6. Christ, whose death and passion redoundeth generallie to all that by firme and sure faith take hold of the same, and applie it vnto their comfort.

  7. Generallie in all partes, they doo make him great feastes and banquets, with pastimes and presents, that day that hee dooth enter into the cittie of Taibin or Paquin, whereas the king is.

  8. Their houses commonly be verie gallant and after the manner of Rome, and generallie at the doores and gates of them are planted trees in gallant order: the which maketh a gallant shadow and seemeth well in the streets.

  9. It may proffet priuately some learned men, but it hath hurt generallie learning it selfe, very moch.

  10. The legat perceiuing such disorder, accurssed generallie all such as thus troubled the kings peace, shewing themselues enimies to the king and the realme.

  11. About this time the king minding the benefit of the common-wealth, caused the weights and measures generallie within the land to be reformed after one standard.

  12. For the commons flocked vnto them from euerie part, bicause the king was generallie hated of the more part of his subiects.

  13. From twelve to one is the Boys' Hour of Pastime; and it may generallie be sayd, my Husband's and mine too.

  14. Men's Minds run on greater Things, and soe they are fretted at domestic Appeals, and generallie give Judgment the wrong Way.

  15. Herevpon were processions generallie vsed euerie daie in euerie citie and parish, to praie to almightie God for his restoring to health and long continuance of the same.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "generallie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.