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Example sentences for "generals"

Lexicographically close words:
generall; generalle; generallie; generally; generalmente; generalship; generate; generated; generates; generating
  1. The most likely places for concentration to be selected by brigadier-generals commanding infantry brigades in consultation with group commanders.

  2. Bayliffe’s opinion, which does not absolutely condemn the use of Tanks, was shared by two Brigadier-Generals of the 16th Division, and most of the infantry in less exalted positions.

  3. He applied for leave to go to Vienna, pledging himself to return again a prisoner to France if the Emperor Francis would not consent to exchange him for Generals Wrignon and Grouchy, then prisoners in Austria.

  4. All the Ministers, the councillors of, State, and generals were summoned to the presentation.

  5. The two Generals could not have failed to see him, but neither interposed.

  6. Each force was about the same and it was one of the hottest fights I ever saw, for the respective forces were commanded by Generals Bambos and Yozarro.

  7. Generals Bambos and Yozarro were standing beside each other, the latter with his handkerchief still in his hand, though he ceased to flutter it, since the necessity had passed.

  8. They choose their kings[13] by reason of their birth, but their generals on the ground of merit.

  9. The kings do not enjoy unlimited or despotic power, and even the generals command more by example than by authority.

  10. According to their custom, the barbarian host raised a fierce and hideous yell, while the Roman generals marshalled their line of battle.

  11. On the approach of Prince Rupert, the Parliamentary generals raised the siege, and, drawing off their forces to Marston Moor, offered battle to the Royalists.

  12. Generals on panels ornamented with the N.

  13. But in the later period of the Roman republic some of the oligarchical leaders and successful generals constructed large buildings, of which traces can now be found.

  14. The Russian generals found it difficult to obtain information.

  15. There had been no change in the generals in command except that General Ruzsky, on account of illness, was succeeded by General Alexeiev.

  16. He was the ablest of the great generals who had been leading the Russian army.

  17. It must be made impossible ever again for half a dozen Generals or Cabinet Ministers thus to play with nations and men and women as with pawns.

  18. He assembled the generals the next day, and undertook personally to confirm the whole tenor of the agreement which Illo had submitted to them the day before.

  19. His example was followed by all the Roman Catholic nobility, the generals with their troops, the clergy, and all the officers of the crown.

  20. While Gustavus Adolphus was extending his conquests in the south, his generals and allies were gaining similar triumphs in the other provinces.

  21. The generals on both sides had more than once to rally their flying troops; and the Archduke Leopold, with his regiment, was the first in the attack and last in flight.

  22. Pending these negociations with Treves and France, the king's generals had entirely cleared the territory of Mentz of the Spanish garrisons, and Gustavus himself completed the conquest of this district by the capture of Kreutznach.

  23. Even the generals of the two powers, whenever they were called upon to act in common, manifested the same jealousy as divided their leaders.

  24. He therefore consulted the Duke of Friedland, whose approbation might supply the want of authority from the Emperor, and to whom the Bohemian generals were referred by an express edict of the court in the last extremity.

  25. After these preliminaries were settled, the two generals at last ventured upon an interview; but not until they had mutually promised to bury the past in oblivion, and all the outward formalities of a reconciliation had been settled.

  26. At Zwickau he was again joined by Guebriant; and both generals directed their march towards Halberstadt, after in vain attempting to defend the Saal, and to prevent the passage of the Imperialists.

  27. But the imperial generals found the march to Prague more difficult than they had expected.

  28. The 41st Regiment wears white facings; so do the generals in the Confederate army.

  29. This one claims to have had harder fighting than the Virginian army, and to have been opposed to the best troops and best generals of the North.

  30. Armed with letters of introduction from the Secretary-at-War for Generals Lee and Longstreet, I left Richmond at 6 A.

  31. We joined Generals Lee and Longstreet's Staff; they were reconnoitring and making preparations for renewing the attack.

  32. Both Generals Polk and Bragg spoke to me of him as a most excellent and useful officer, besides being a man who never lost an opportunity of trying to throw his life away.

  33. Mr Sedden is a cadaverous but clever-looking man; he received me with great kindness, and immediately furnished me with letters of introduction for Generals Lee and Longstreet.

  34. We heard that Generals Garnett and Armistead were killed, and General Kemper mortally wounded; also, that Pickett's division had only one field-officer unhurt.

  35. I found Generals Lee and Longstreet encamped on the latter road, three-quarters of a mile from the town.

  36. We had the mortification to learn that Generals Lee and Longstreet had quitted Williamsport this morning at 11 o'clock, and were therefore obliged to toil on to Hagerstown, six miles farther.

  37. Generals Bragg and Hardee both spoke to me of him in terms of the highest praise, and said that he had risen entirely by his own personal merit.

  38. As soon as it became dark we all lay round a big fire, and I heard reports coming in from the different generals that the enemy was retiring, and had been doing so all day long.

  39. The Generals very wisely allow them to please themselves in this respect, and insist only upon their arms and accoutrements being kept in proper order.

  40. At noon, Generals Lee and Longstreet arrived, and halted close to us.

  41. Above every thing else, the brothers of the candidates, the two most illustrious generals of the age, increased the violence of the struggle.

  42. But, by Hercules, is it that the soldiers are impelled by frenzy, and that the influence of the goddess has not shown itself in punishing the generals themselves?

  43. This plan of associating the generals in the triumph increased the glory of both, but particularly of him who had yielded to his colleague in the honours he received, as much as he surpassed him in merit.

  44. Syphax considered it highly honourable to him, as it really was, that generals of the two most powerful people of the age should come to him on the same day to solicit peace and friendship with him.

  45. All the writers do not vouch for the fact that two generals of the Carthaginians bearing the same name were slain in the battles of the cavalry; fearing, I believe, lest the same circumstance related twice should lead them into error.

  46. Whichever of these generals should be first victorious, he would in a few days unite his camp with the other.

  47. Whereas now two wars were received into Italy; two generals of the highest renown were besetting the Roman city; while the whole weight of the danger and the entire burden pressed upon one point.

  48. We request that you would permit us so to do; and, if you think proper, that you would, by your authority, perpetuate and ratify the advantages which your generals have conferred upon us.

  49. Here the two generals exerted their sagacity, the one in effecting, the other in guarding against, a deception.

  50. Among these were two generals in chief command, and many officers of courage and ability.

  51. Bravely leading their divisions, Generals Gibbs and Keene were both wounded, and borne helpless from the field.

  52. Colonel Declouet named in confidence to myself, to Generals Jackson and Morgan, and to Major Robinson, several members as persons determined on making the attempt.

  53. Swift messengers were sent to Generals Carroll and Thomas to make all speed possible with the Tennessee and Kentucky troops on their way to New Orleans.

  54. Ambitious mandarins and gold-bedizened Russian generals exchanged salutes and bows in sign of mutual respect.

  55. The organization of the army was likewise well developed--on paper at any rate--the generals being distributed according to the provinces.

  56. The German generals were so confident of success that foreign correspondents were invited to be present to witness the resistless onslaught.

  57. The war showed that other soldiers were just as brave, other generals just as able.

  58. When the war opened, Germany had much to say about her unconquerable army; her generals were supposed to be superior in a military way to any others.

  59. Her generals wrote books illustrated with maps showing the stages of world conquest; her professors patiently explained how necessary all this was to Germany's future; while her theologians pointed out it was God's will.

  60. The evening before the attack began there was a banquet at the German headquarters, the Kaiser and all his notable generals (but not Von Hindenburg) were present.

  61. Three French Generals who fought their way to fame.

  62. Russian soldiers were brave; her generals able, but the whole official life was more or less corrupt.

  63. At a single stroke he cashiered a score of Generals who did not measure up to his standards.

  64. Outside of Germany, cavalry generals who employ philosophy to bring home practical lessons are, I think, rare.

  65. This reconcil'd me to the newspaper accounts of his having preach'd to twenty-five thousand people in the fields, and to the ancient histories of generals haranguing whole armies, of which I had sometimes doubted.

  66. Them brass hats meet at Operation Headquarters an' the generals call in Weather.

  67. Stan had an audience composed of generals and other high-ranking officials for the next fifteen minutes.

  68. I have to watch him to keep the generals from stealing him and sending him off to Russia to fight.

  69. Nor were certain of his generals slow to make such an accusation.

  70. The divisions of Generals Hill, Leith, and Picton occupied the right of our line, with the first division, commanded by Sir Bryant Spencer, in the centre.

  71. Thence we marched on to Vimeira, and were joined by Generals Anstruther and Acland with more reinforcements, and Sir Hugh Dalrymple took the head command from Sir Arthur Wellesley.

  72. Generals Hunter and Halleck, Fremont's successors, were equally unsuccessful, and the State was harassed by a petty warfare all the year.

  73. Union and Confederate generals alike were astonished at the sudden change.

  74. The Chinese generals then began to plague the captain with demands which the German officer translated and repeated.

  75. Ting and his generals had committed suicide.

  76. When the Japanese officer had returned to the ship, the Chinese generals came up with the German officer to make inquiries.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "generals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.