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Example sentences for "goatsuckers"

Lexicographically close words:
goatlike; goats; goatskin; goatskins; goatsucker; gobbets; gobble; gobbled; gobbler; gobblers
  1. The Goatsuckers are birds of the dusk and early morning.

  2. Goatsuckers are noted for their singular calls, most of the species uttering loud, characteristic notes which, heard at night, are especially effective.

  3. Owls and goatsuckers are of those dark mottled tints that will assimilate with bark and lichen, and thus protect them during the day, and at the same time be inconspicuous in the dusk.

  4. The two most common goatsuckers are the whip-poor-will and the nighthawk.

  5. The family name of Goatsuckers was given to the birds from the foolish notion that they took milk from the goats.

  6. The Goatsuckers are solitary birds, living generally in pairs, sleeping during the day, and issuing from their nest with the setting sun, or possibly earlier in gloomy weather, to chase the crepuscular and nocturnal insects on which they feed.

  7. They can easily be distinguished from all other Goatsuckers by their size and silvery appearance.

  8. Goatsuckers are long winged birds, with small bills, but with an extraordinarily large mouth, the opening of which extends beneath and beyond the eyes.

  9. The visitor will first remark the goatsuckers with their wide bills and large eyes, adapted to catch the insects on which they feed.

  10. There is something exquisitely pleasing to the eye in the delicate painting of the soft plumage in most of the Goatsuckers and their allies.

  11. As soon as it is night, swarms of goatsuckers suddenly make their appearance, wheeling about in a noiseless, ghostly manner, in chase of night-flying insects.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "goatsuckers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.