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Example sentences for "gobblers"

Lexicographically close words:
goatsuckers; gobbets; gobble; gobbled; gobbler; gobbles; gobbling; gobernador; gobernadorcillo; gobernadorcillos
  1. To the sporting man, the gentleman, the man who loves the game, the prize goes now in competition with Gobblers and Plodders.

  2. It is no unusual thing for wild gobblers and mallards to come up with the tame stock to the poultry-yard, and the bronze feathers and shy habits of many of the young turkeys show evidence of their free parentage.

  3. Georgie is going to ask the gardener to buy two chains and fasten the two old gobblers in some other part of the yard.

  4. Away rolled the bread, and, before he could get it again, the gobblers had it and were quarrelling noisily, each trying to pull it away from the other one.

  5. The gobblers are polygamous, and have but little respect for their families.

  6. Then the keen eye and the noiseless tread of the still hunter is called upon for his best and most careful efforts, for the eyes of these gobblers are quick to catch the slightest move and their ears acute to the faintest sound.

  7. In the early spring the hens begin to work up the mountains and seek the densest jungles, and of course the gobblers follow them.

  8. As soon as the hens begin setting the gobblers gather in flocks and remain by themselves until joined in the early fall by the hens and their half-grown broods.

  9. Generally the higher their habitat the larger the birds, some of the old gobblers reaching forty pounds if not more.

  10. As soon as the gobblers are deserted by the hens they become more wary, and the crack of a twig or the sight of a man, be he ever so far away, and they at once seek cover.

  11. For this reason the hens are very secretive in nesting, taking as much care in hiding them away from the gobblers as from their other enemies.

  12. When he reached the ridge and caught his balance with a final flip-flap of his broad tail he stretched his neck and looked around to see if any of the young gobblers were grinning at him.

  13. A young cockerel thought he would celebrate the occasion by crowing, but immediately seven young gobblers started for him on the jump.

  14. His Belligerency Now that his mate is hopefully hatching on a promising nestful of eggs, the old gobbler finds time hanging heavy on his hands and by way of diversion is proceeding to beat up all other gobblers in the neighbourhood.

  15. When roosting time comes round each evening, the mother hen and her flock of young gobblers and hens go to roost quietly and circumspectly like ordinary folks.

  16. For instance, I would like to know just now whether turkey gobblers ever suffer from speaker's sore throat.

  17. It would cheer me considerably to learn that gobblers occasionally suffer from aphonia or speechlessness.

  18. By the way, I have lost the address of the man with whom I swapped gobblers last fall, but if this should meet his eye I wish to tell him that the "Bubblyjock" he sent has developed into a noble bird.

  19. It would take an expert turkey hunter to circumvent this bird 160 Big woods in Louisiana where the old gobblers roam at will.

  20. On examination I showed him that two of his three were young gobblers and the third an old hen, although the birds were about the same size and the plumage almost identical.

  21. You must first ascertain where the gobblers are to be found, and then be on the ground before there is the least sign of daybreak to select a place where you can sit hidden and in comfort.

  22. There were plenty of turkeys frequenting that ridge every day, but never one of them was taken by a lynx, as I knew positively just how many gobblers and hens there were in that piece of woods.

  23. The hens visit the males every day or alternate days; consequently, if among the gobblers there are no mature birds, the eggs laid are not fertile.

  24. The gobblers meantime are as stolid as an Indian and as silent as a dead stump.

  25. It is the trapping, snaring, baiting, and killing of all old gobblers that decimates their numbers, not the legitimate hunting by sportsmen.

  26. The greatest of all causes for the decrease of wild turkeys lies in the killing of all the old gobblers in the spring.

  27. A flock may be met one morning on the skirts of the backwater from an overflow river bottom, probably a flock of hens and gobblers together.

  28. Wesson rifle did more certain work on old gobblers than any other rifle I have ever seen or used, nor was the powder charge sufficient to tear the flesh severely, but it would drive the bullet through two old gobblers.

  29. I have known of half a dozen instances of this nature where two old gobblers have formed an inseparable alliance and remained together staunch friends for years.

  30. If there are gobblers in the bunch, note their breasts which are blacker than the hens.

  31. In a sunny patch of grass a dozen or more big gobblers stood, all suspiciously facing in his direction, heads erect, with that wild aspect peculiar to their species.

  32. A few gobblers on the far side began the flight, running swiftly off.

  33. Returning, he tied two shiny, plump gobblers back of his saddle and remounted his horse.

  34. Old wild turkey gobblers were the most difficult game to stalk.

  35. My man Tom used to fetch home gobblers like that.

  36. Old Gobblers were there, and the mother Turkeys with their broods of children, all looking as fine as you please, in their shining black coats.

  37. They got so near that he could see the queer little tufts of wiry feathers which the Gobblers wear hanging from their breast, and could see the swaying scarlet wattles under their beaks.

  38. The Gobblers are growing quite fond of the children," said one.

  39. A moment afterwards Cal himself appeared, with two huge gobblers slung over his neck.

  40. As I came out on top, I saw five big gobblers feeding.

  41. Wild turkey gobblers to me, who had hunted them enough to learn how sagacious and cunning and difficult to stalk they were, always seemed as provocative of excitement as larger game.

  42. I saw two gobblers wade into the brook not more than a hundred and fifty feet away.

  43. For that matter all grown gobblers are as wise as old bucks, except in the spring mating season, when it is a crime to hunt them.

  44. Edd wrote me about lion tracks in the snow, and lynx up cedar trees, and gobblers four feet high, and that there was sure to be a good crop of acorns, and therefore some bears.

  45. They had a turkey each, gobblers about two years old Copple said.

  46. The gobblers are big, shiny, and they have red on their heads.

  47. And if you'll believe it them gobblers was struttin' around as chesty as if they hadn't lost a feather.

  48. But I'm not going to visit turkey gobblers any more.

  49. Gobblers don't like red, for some reason or other.

  50. And he strode off with a gleam in his eyes that the younger gobblers knew only too well--and feared.

  51. Having whipped the younger gobblers a good many times, Turkey Proudfoot firmly believed that he could whip anything or anybody.

  52. To be sure, there were young gobblers on the farm.

  53. And the younger gobblers as well had to mind him.

  54. Sixty gobblers gobble together as at a signal, while an equal number of hens stretch their necks and look worried.

  55. At the same time the other two women sniffed, for they knew just what the remark about sharp-pointed eggs and gobblers means.

  56. After this remark the gobblers gobble their worst.

  57. When my hens were setting I noticed that all their eggs were sharp-pointed, and I've heard it said that gobblers always hatch out of that kind.

  58. He will drive a horse or pigs, and the turkey-gobblers have no terrors for him, but I can't make him go after the cows.

  59. Every time the gobblers gobbled they did it so lustily that those who heard involuntarily murmured "Merry Christmas!

  60. Once more the gobblers in convention assembled gobble furiously.

  61. When they reached the barn yard the gobblers all gobbled and gave every evidence of being glad to be home again.

  62. It is true that some of the tough stringy old gobblers and hens are marked with bits of gaudy rags tied on their wings, but the young, plump, edible birds are unbranded.

  63. The gobblers comment on this statement with a clamorous, simultaneous gobble.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gobblers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.