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Example sentences for "good crop"

  • Illustration: A good crop for a poor soil.

  • The land should be in good tilth, and capable of producing a good crop of any sort.

  • This fine summer, though it may not lead to a good crop of turnips, has already put safe into store such a crop of hay as I believe England never saw before.

  • The farmers say it is a small crop; other people, and especially the labourers, say that it is a good crop.

  • There must be something completely out of joint when the Government are afraid of the effects of a good crop.

  • It is rather early to offer any opinion as to the crop of corn; but if I were compelled to bet upon it, I would bet upon a good crop.

  • Johnston drew out this manure, raised a good crop of wheat, and that gave him a start.

  • A good summer-fallow, on rather heavy clay land, if the conditions are otherwise favorable, is pretty sure to give us a good crop of wheat, and a good crop of clover and grass afterwards.

  • What chemicals should I put into the soil to insure a good crop of vegetables, such as tomatoes, string beans, or other over-ground producers?

  • Supposing that you have good buds now and are willing to protect them as suggested, your trees may be expected to come through with a good crop if seasonal moisture conditions are right.

  • Niles peas are hardy and will make a good crop on any good soil, if planted early in the season so as to make the main part of their growth before the heat of the summer comes on.

  • So, at the close of the war, and in fact during its whole continuance, I was poor, and my family were in straitened circumstances; but I went to work and raised a good crop of corn and everything else that we needed.

  • I put in a good crop of corn, and my wife made an excellent garden with no help but the children.

  • The custom of cutting off the horse's tail is like the African custom of cutting off the tails of the oxen and sacrificing them to obtain a good crop.

  • Whoever got a piece of the decayed flesh and cakes, and sowed it with the seed-corn in his field, was believed to be sure of a good crop.

  • In some years we have to buy a good deal of meal and other things; but in a year such as the present, when we have had a good crop, I get the most of it in money.

  • Besides, a good crop makes a great difference in Shetland.

  • Yes; some years, when there has been a good crop, it may serve us almost or altogether for the whole of the year; then the fishing pays the rent, and we may have some balance over to help us otherwise.

  • But there may be instances, as where clover will make a good crop of hay the year that it is sown, when sowing it thus would be justifiable.

  • In such a case if the manure is otherwise in good condition and fresh, it is well enough and a good crop may be expected.

  • Under these conditions, with the beds about fifteen inches thick, they should continue to yield a good crop of short-stemmed, stout mushrooms for two or three months, possibly longer.

  • M157) The masquerade thus performed by the Kayans of the Mahakam river before sowing the rice is an instructive example of a religious or rather magical drama acted for the express purpose of ensuring a good crop.

  • From it we learn some valuable particulars as to the worship of the Maize-goddess and the ceremonies observed by the Mexicans for the purpose of ensuring a good crop of maize.

  • Sometimes I have seen water marks on those hickory trees several feet from the ground in the spring of the year and sometimes in the summer, yet they come through with a good crop of nuts.

  • It has happened that the same variety of peach has produced a good crop in Northern Georgia and a poor crop in Southern Georgia.

  • If, however, it escapes these casualties, to which it is liable, it turns out a good crop, yielding from forty to sixty bushels to an acre.

  • Oats are much cultivated in this country, and generally turn out a good crop.

  • It is a plant that requires a light rich soil, old manure, and hot seasons; should these requisites concur, a good crop may be expected.

  • Twenty bushels is a good crop, on new land, although it sometimes produces more, when the soil is very rich and the season favourable.

  • I am glad to hear that your corn is so fine, and that you are making preparations to put in a good crop of wheat.

  • Put in a good crop, and recollect you may have two to feed after the harvest.

  • I hope that you will get in a good crop of wheat, and get it in well.

  • There is a good crop of heartnuts on the trees here this year.

  • No crop this year, but has a good crop of catkins showing for 1951.

  • Our graft has had one very good crop, but it is younger than many of our other grafts.

  • Raspberries and strawberries were a good crop and of exceptional fine quality, but the currants and gooseberries were a total failure in my garden as well as elsewhere, according to all reports received.

  • I will say right here, if you expect to have a good crop of fruit in the fall, keep the most of the runners off.

  • Of plums only some young trees gave us a good crop of nice, perfect fruit.

  • Mr. Beiersdorf and Mr. Swichtenberg report a good crop of Wealthy and Peter.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good crop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    good actor; good anchorage; good circumstances; good color; good crop; good effect; good farmer; good house; good letter; good looking; good marriage; good measure; good mornin; good novel; good practice; good quantity; good reading; good seaman; good shape; good sized; good story; good sweet; good understanding; good wife; then held; upon him