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Example sentences for "gobernadorcillos"

Lexicographically close words:
gobblers; gobbles; gobbling; gobernador; gobernadorcillo; gobierno; gobies; goblet; goblets; goblin
  1. The gobernadorcillos in turn lash the alcaldes, for they are necessary to the latter, and good terms must be maintained with them.

  2. In some provinces great efforts are made to obtain posts as gobernadorcillos and officials of justice, and that department generally is worth a good sum annually.

  3. The gobernadorcillos and officials of justice are other instruments of which the alcalde makes use to apportion and collect his funds.

  4. In one end the women are seated, in the other the men, while the gobernadorcillos and principales occupy the center.

  5. Their arrogance may be seen in the importance which the gobernadorcillos give to themselves.

  6. Edifices of superior construction are generally the abodes of the mestizos, or of the gobernadorcillos belonging to the different pueblos.

  7. We travelled in comfortable carriages, the friars or the gobernadorcillos providing us with relays of horses, and the convents were generally the places appointed for our reception, in which we invariably found most hospitable cheer.

  8. The gobernadorcillos and officers of justice are entitled to sit in the presence of the provincial chiefs, who are to require the parochial clergy to treat them with due honour and regard.

  9. Both Irayas and Catalanganes have Gobernadorcillos appointed by the Spanish Military Governor of Isabela.

  10. Consequently, the personal service of the village falls on very few, because of these and other like exemptions by the gobernadorcillos and cabezas for money, by which they themselves alone profit.

  11. Fifth, the gobernadorcillos of the villages appoint the officials whom they wish to help in their government.

  12. Hence it necessarily arises that the alcalde-mayor does not know more than the natives allow him to know; and that the gobernadorcillos of the villages are masters, inasmuch as in everything they do whatever they think proper.

  13. The cabezas are ex-officio attorneys for their barangays in all matters that concern them collectively, and electors of the gobernadorcillos and other officials of justice.

  14. Those assistants, together with three ex-gobernadorcillos to whom are referred the duties of judges of cattle, fields, and police, constitute a sort of town council.

  15. The gobernadorcillos and officials of justice deserve the greatest consideration from the government.

  16. The gobernadorcillos have in their towns all the municipal responsibility proper to the authority which is conferred upon them by their appointment.

  17. First of all, six cabezas and as many gobernadorcillos are chosen by lot as electors; the actual gobernadorcillo is the thirteenth, and the rest quit the hall.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gobernadorcillos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.