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Example sentences for "greatnesse"

Lexicographically close words:
greatlie; greatly; greatlye; greatnes; greatness; greatter; greave; greaved; greaves; grebe
  1. Oh to what height will love of greatnesse drive Thy leavened spirit, Sesqui-superlative?

  2. Europe, both for greatnesse of bodie and sweetnesse of flesh: or else would not the Romane writers haue preferred them before those of Liguria.

  3. Such plentie of whales also are taken in this coast, that the verie tithe hath beene knowne, in some one yeere, to amount vnto seauen and twentie whales of one greatnesse and other.

  4. How many kettles, the greatnesse and maner of them, and what mettall, and whether they bee set on triuets or on furnaces for boiling of the traine oyle, and others.

  5. Greatnesse of Cities, the other two I have now forgott' (ed.

  6. Well, answered the Duke, I know that your Clergie is powerfull indeed; but if I liue and prosper in my affaires, I shall gouerne their greatnesse well ynough.

  7. The King of England held this aduantage, that no aduantage could be wonne against him: which in regard of the number, valour and greatnesse of his enemies, was a very honourable aduantage indeed.

  8. I shall hereafter haue a more proper place to display at large, the goodlinesse of thy shape, the goodnesse of thy nature, the greatnesse of thy minde: all thy perfections, whereby our affections were much enflamed.

  9. In the beginning of this Kings reigne, either no great accidents did fall, or else they were obscured with the greatnesse of the change: none are reported by the writers of that time.

  10. It doth me: though it discolours the complexion of my Greatnesse to acknowledge it.

  11. And the violences, oppressions, and injuries they do, are not extenuated, but aggravated by the greatnesse of their persons; because they have least need to commit them.

  12. It is true that our most and best praises are few for the number, and little for the measure; whereas God is infinite for his goodnes, and in his greatnesse incomprehensible.

  13. If thy Greatnesse will Reuenge it on him, (for I know thou dar'st) But this Thing dare not Ste.

  14. The quicke Comedians Extemporally will stage vs, and present Our Alexandrian Reuels: Anthony Shall be brought drunken forth, and I shall see Some squeaking Cleopatra Boy my greatnesse I'th' posture of a Whore Iras.

  15. Pray you tell him, I am his Fortunes Vassall, and I send him The Greatnesse he has got.

  16. Why some are borne great, some atchieue greatnesse, and some haue greatnesse throwne vpon them.

  17. And some haue greatnesse thrust vpon them Ol.

  18. In my stars I am aboue thee, but be not affraid of greatnesse: Some are become great, some atcheeues greatnesse, and some haue greatnesse thrust vppon em.

  19. Reade in this Pale booke, how vaine a boast your greatnesse is.

  20. Besides the greatnesse of the figure or image: it was a woonder to thinke how such a weight should bee carryed and set in such a place and so high.

  21. The time you may so hoodwinke: We haue willing Dames enough: there cannot be That Vulture in you, to deuoure so many As will to Greatnesse dedicate themselues, Finding it so inclinde Mal.

  22. But now madame, omittinge to speake of the greatnesse of your estate, let vs consider that we be both man and woman, the most deceiued of the world, and betrayed of them which we haue most dearely loued.

  23. For he iudged their ciuill vsage and maner, to be ouer base for his greatnesse, but did counterfaite the height and pompe of the kings of Persia, representinge the greatnesse of the Gods.

  24. For both I conceiue the greatnesse of my state past, and feele that I can bear this present seruitude.

  25. So it appeared that one minde could not beare the greatnesse that appertayned to two.

  26. For satisfied am I, that I haue manifested to the world the greatnesse of my loue, which was so ample as euer king could beare to vertuous Queene: and so farewell.

  27. The greatnesse of the sodain glory wherein maister Thorello sawe himselfe, did remoue oute of his mind, his affayres of Lombardie, and specially, bicause hee hoped that his letters should trustely be deliuered to the hands of his vncle.

  28. Prepare there, The Duke is comming: See the Barge be ready; And fit it with such furniture as suites The Greatnesse of his Person Buck.

  29. You are too blame, Knowing she will not loose her wonted Greatnesse To vse so rude behauiour.

  30. But for to feare wher's no suspition, Will to my greatnesse be derision.

  31. Well I haue liued till to that height I came, That all the world did tremble at my name, My greatnesse then by fortune being enuied, Stabd by a murtherous villaynes hand I died.

  32. Sidenote: The greatnesse of the king of Spaines tribute out of the West Indies.

  33. Neither did one onely tell me thus much, but very many; who tolde me very particularly of the greatnesse of the houses, and of the fashion of them, as the first messengers had informed me.

  34. The situation and greatnesse of the Citie of Ceuola, and how frier Marcus tooke possession thereof and of other prouinces, calling the same The new kingdome of S.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greatnesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.