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Example sentences for "guarantors"

Lexicographically close words:
guaranteeing; guarantees; guarantied; guaranties; guarantor; guaranty; guarantying; guard; guarda; guardant
  1. Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxemburg are States with royal honours and do not rank behind Great Britain or any other of the guarantors of their neutralisation.

  2. The effect of guarantee treaties is the creation of the duty of the guarantors to do what is in their power in order to secure the guaranteed objects.

  3. But if one of the guarantors themselves violates the object of his own guarantee, the body of the guarantors remains, and it is certainly their duty to act against such faithless co-guarantor.

  4. There ought to be no doubt that in a case of collective guarantee one of the guarantors alone cannot be considered bound to act according to the treaty of guarantee.

  5. For a collective guarantee can have the meaning only that the guarantors should act in a body.

  6. They may be concluded by two States only, or by a number of States jointly, and in the latter case the single guarantors may give their guarantee severally or collectively or both.

  7. What we had to consider, and it was a somewhat embarrassing question, was what it would be desirable and necessary for us, as one of the guarantors of Belgian neutrality, to do if Belgian neutrality was violated by any power.

  8. While we needed guarantors we had them in plenty, and though Mr. Edward Martyn’s public spirit made it unnecessary to call upon them, we thank them none the less.

  9. A dramatic society with guarantors and patrons can never have more than a passing use, because it can never be quite free; and it is not successful until it is able to say it is no longer wanted.

  10. It may also be observed that two of the co-guarantors of the Treaty of 1867, namely Italy and Holland, have also not thought it necessary to make the violation of Luxemburg a casus belli.

  11. And, if she had been as contemptible as she is actually the reverse, she would still be entitled to expect from England and from every other of her guarantors the utmost assistance it is in their power to give.

  12. I had not been at fault, however, in predicting to Herr von Jagow a war with England, one of the guarantors of our neutrality.

  13. The assurance that we should enjoy the blessings of peace for an indefinite period carried with it no small obligations towards the guarantors of our neutrality.

  14. There are certain republics to the south of us which have already reached such a point of stability, order, and prosperity that they themselves, though as yet hardly consciously, are among the guarantors of this doctrine.

  15. Our neighbors and guarantors should see in this decision our strong desire to uphold our neutrality ourselves.

  16. Belgium appeals to Great Britain and France and Russia to co-operate, as guarantors in defense of her territory.

  17. In view of the possible reasons which might be advanced for changes in territory and allegiance, justification for an appeal to the guarantors was by no means certain.

  18. The application to the case of responsible guarantors is obvious and was apparently in mind when the Covenant was being evolved.

  19. It is not necessary to keep an alphabetical index of guarantors if the electors’ roll is marked as previously suggested.

  20. The guarantors of Austria at the first sign of her weakness had hurried, most of them, to divide her spoils, at the same time betraying each other from time to time without scruple, as their immediate interests required.

  21. The eminent guarantors of the integrity of Austria were suddenly transformed into hungry schemers for her immediate partition.

  22. At the beginning of the musical season in October, 1898, a considerable storm was raised in Manchester by the action of the guarantors of the Halle concerts, who had offered the post of conductor to Dr.

  23. His clear and judicial summing up of the case left no room for questioning the right of the guarantors to act as they had done, while his special knowledge of Dr.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guarantors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.