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Example sentences for "guidwife"

Lexicographically close words:
guideth; guiding; guidman; guidon; guidons; guier; guift; guifts; guild; guilded
  1. At length another red-necked official entered, and introduced guidwife Christian herself, and--Patrick Guthrie.

  2. I say it puzzles me, guidwife Christian, and has done for years.

  3. Even these words Geordie had heard, if he had not caught up many other broken sentences, which showed to his distracted mind that guidwife Christian was in some mysterious way mixed up with the events and things of the charmed house.

  4. Guidwife Christian," said the officer again, seriously enough at least for Geordie's belief of his sincerity.

  5. Then guidwife Christian went out, casting, as she went, a look of something like triumph at her husband.

  6. It accounts for naething, guidwife Christian," rejoined he.

  7. A bite and a sup and a faithful dog, and a guidwife by a glowing hearth, and what more is needed to make a home.

  8. Acting on this bright idea, the guidwife immediately emptied a bottle of brandy into the parritch-pot, and proceeded with the remainder of the process in the usual way.

  9. But, if ye'll just stop a minute, if ye please, till I speak to the guidwife on the subject.

  10. Lillias there has a liking for that kind o' company too, an' spends some days mair o' her time amang her books than the guidwife or mysel would wish.

  11. The Maiden was finished soon after, and the guidman of Cairnkibbie retired with his guidwife to rest, and in their waking moments to wonder at the strange events of the day.

  12. No lass ever graced a Maiden like Lilly Hume; and no free farmer's wife ever extended so hearty a patronage to the feast of fun as did the sleek and comfortable guidwife of Cairnkibbie.

  13. The guidwife an' I dinna aye agree," continued the old man, turning to Thomson.

  14. The guidwife herself half coaxed and half scolded a fine remnant of Flanders lace, of most tempting aspect, out of the guidman's reluctant pocket.

  15. Are you acquainted with 'The Guidwife of Auchtermuchty?

  16. He's up in the plantin'; the guidwife and bairns are doon at the Castle.

  17. The guidwife will gie ye half-a-croon for puir Sandie Tamson.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guidwife" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.