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Example sentences for "gyurl"

Lexicographically close words:
gyrostatic; gyrus; gyue; gyuen; gyueth; gyve; gyven; gyves; haaf
  1. I'm a fine father for a gyurl like that, ain't I?

  2. To think of me lettin' my little gyurl stand the consequences of my meanness.

  3. What's 'Black Bart' so ayger ter git hold av this Maclaire gyurl fer?

  4. Bedad, but the place looks betther than iver Oi'd belaved, wid the gyurl Oi've got tindin' to it.

  5. He was two days gittin' on the trail av him; then he heard the feller was gone away trapsing after a singin' or dancin' gyurl called Christie Maclaire.

  6. May the divil admoire me av Oi know where this Maclaire gyurl comes in, but Oi'll bet the black divil has get her marked fer some part in the play.

  7. There was a gyurl come and kep' it for me, what time she could spare.

  8. And if ye does bring the things for my rheumaty, and I ain't here, just ye leave 'em with the gyurl at this stand, if yer will.

  9. Don' be 'feard, fer I'd like ter see de gyurl dat kin beat me playin' possum.

  10. Ef dat ar gyurl doan light out wid me nex' time I ax her, den I eats a mule.

  11. Chunk grinned and soliloquized, "Reck'n I kin fotch dat gyurl roun' wid all her contrariations.

  12. You tink you kin do wid her w'at you pleases des ez ef she a lil gyurl baby.

  13. Thu boy was tow-haided an' ornary; thu gyurl were a roan, even redder'n me!

  14. But if it don' be in yer heart t' do thot mooch, maake her a good gyurl wheeriver she be.

  15. Where do ye get this gyurl friend thing, anyway?

  16. A slip iv a gyurl I was then, an' little more when they waked him.

  17. Make no complaint--if ye do she'll hate ye, like as not; for when a gyurl has wronged a man she hates him for it.

  18. It's a noble gyurl ye've chosen, as a noble man should do.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gyurl" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.