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Example sentences for "gyve"

Lexicographically close words:
gyrus; gyue; gyuen; gyueth; gyurl; gyven; gyves; haaf; haar
  1. Or sus levés uous, je regarderay uos lettres, puis je shall gyve you an answere.

  2. God save you good life and honour gyve you God.

  3. If this be all the prayse you can gyve him, you will no more offend me with tediousnes.

  4. The same gallant lady boldly challenges the right of heralds: "And it is the opynyon of moni men that an herod of armis may gyve armys.

  5. Yn mynde and boddie, hys owne fadre's boie; What then could Canynge wissen as a parte To gyve to her whoe had made chop of hearte?

  6. Dyddest thou kenne howe mie woes, as starres ybrente, Headed bie these thie wordes doe onn mee falle, Thou woulde stryve to gyve mie harte contente, 310 Wakyng mie slepynge mynde to honnoures calle.

  7. Then Doullie myghte his bowestrynge drewe, 115 Enthoughte to gyve brave Tosslyn bloudie wounde, But Harolde's asenglave stopp'd it as it slewe, And it fell bootless on the bloudie grounde.

  8. Whereof I coulde produce infynyte examples; but I will gyve yo{u} onlye these fewe for a taste.

  9. Ac God is of wonder wille, By that kynde wit sheweth, To gyve many man his mede Er he it have deserved.

  10. Lewed counseil have ye, To gyve from youre heires That youre aiels yow lefte, And gyveth it to bidde for yow Fo swiche that ben riche, And ben founded and feffed ek To bidde for othere.

  11. Of the good that thow hem gyvest Ingrati ben manye; Ac, God, of thi goodnesse Gyve hem grace to amende.

  12. And alle tho that ben fals, Fayre hem amende, And gyve hem wiit and good wil Swiche dedes to werch, That thei may wynnen the liif That evere shal lesten.

  13. So he stooped and put the gyve in his bosom; and the rough iron galled him as he went, and his bosom bled.

  14. So then, when he asked his way of any man, he showed the bright sword naked; and at that the gyve on the man's ankle rang and answered in his stead; and the word was still Straight on.

  15. VIII THE HOUSE OF ELD So soon as the child began to speak, the gyve was riveted; and the boys and girls limped about their play like convicts.

  16. God knows," said Jack, "I fear your anger; but yet your anger does not prove that a man should wear a gyve on his right leg.

  17. I see the food to be wholesome," said Jack; "and still it is no proof that a man should wear a gyve on his right leg.

  18. But the man, when his gyve spoke, spat and struck at Jack, and threw stones at him as he went away; so that his head was broken.

  19. And even if I had, it would not prove that a man should wear a gyve on his right leg.

  20. Nowe doo me have a good chambre Or me faites avoir ungue bonne chambre And a good fyre, Et bon feu, And doo that my horse Et faites que mon chevaul Maye be well governed, Puisse estre bien gouverne, And gyve hym good hay and good otes.

  21. Sholde nevere kyng ne knyght, Ne chanon of seint Poules, Gyve hem to hir yeres-gyve The gifte of a grote.

  22. For Mede is muliere 1120 Of Amendes engendred, And God graunteth to gyve Mede to Truthe; And thow hast gyven hire to a gilour; Now God gyve thee sorwe!

  23. And I seide, "The same Save yow fro myschaunce, And gyve yow grace on this grounde 5020 Goode men to worthe!

  24. If any frere were founde there, I gyve thee fyve shillynges; Ne in none burgeises cote Was that barn born; But in a burgeises place Of Bethlem the beste.

  25. And sithen he preide the pope Have pite on holy chirche, And er he gyve any grace, Governe first hymselve.

  26. This is the lif of that lady; Now Lord gyve hire sorwe!

  27. Ac God is so good, I hope, That siththe he gaf hem wittes 7970 To wissen us weyes therwith That wissen us to be saved, And the bettre for hir bokes To bidden we ben holden, That God for his grace Gyve hir soules reste.

  28. And then, as she myght not go herself, she had a servant propyer therefore, whiche rode upon a lytell hors, and bare with him grete plente of good mete and drynke for to gyve to the poure and seke folk there as they were.

  29. And the celle was lytyll and strayte, and but one lytell wyndowe open, by whyche was mynistred to her poor lyvinge; for the abbot commanded that they shold gyve to her a lytell brede and water.

  30. The Tuesday, after masse, all suche as shulde just that day or wolde gyve the lookyng on, rode out of Calis and came to the place appoynted, and the Frenchmen were redy there to recyve them: the day was fayre and hot.

  31. At this Court the Wardens of the yeomanrey made knowne unto the M{rs} that the yeomanrey were contented to gyve to the howse 30{li} towardes the Irish plantac͠on.

  32. So soon as the child began to speak, the gyve was riveted; and the boys and girls limped about their play like convicts.

  33. Item, I gyve unto my wief my second best bed with the furniture.

  34. Item, I gyve and bequeath to my saied daughter Judith my broad silver gilt bole.

  35. Item, I gyve and bequeath unto her three sonnes, William Harte, .

  36. Item, I gyve and bequeath to [Mr. Richard Tyler thelder] Hamlett Sadler xxvj.

  37. Item, I gyve and bequeath unto my saied sister Jone xx.

  38. And every yere I woll thee gyve Twenty marke to thy fee.

  39. Scarlok stode full stil and loughe, And sayd, ‘By God Almyght, Johnn may gyve hym gode mesure, For it costeth hym but lyght.

  40. Though ye wolde gyve a thousand more, Yet were ye never the nere; Shal there never be myn heyre Abbot, justice, ne frere.

  41. I gyve it hym with my charter, And sele it with my honde, To have and holde for ever more, In all mery Englonde.

  42. But take out thy brownë swerde, And smyte all of my hede, And gyve me woundës depe and wyde; No lyfe on me be lefte.

  43. What wyll ye gyve more,’ sayd the justyce, ‘And the knyght shall make a releyse?

  44. It may please you to gyve firme credence vnto this berer in such thinges as he shall declare vnto you on my behalf Your assuryd Freend Thomas Crumwell.

  45. My lorde after my right hertie recommendacions these shalbe to aduertise [y]our lordeship that where it hathe pleased the kinges highnes to gyve and [g]raunte to Bartholomew Petres the rowme of Surgeon in his grace .

  46. The said John Malhome and one Thomas Husteler, disseased, dyd gyve .

  47. And then she and Dame Cecilia said, "What, shulde the yong nunnes gyve voices?

  48. In caverns subterranean, With limbs not bound by gyve or chain, Of those who toil, few are the men Who reach the threescore years and ten.

  49. Also I gyve and bequeathe to my daughter Ales, the thyrde parte of all my goodes moveable and unmoveable in fylde and towne after my dettes and leggessese performyde, besydes that goode she hath of her owne all this tyme.

  50. Allso I gyve and bequethe to every house that hath no teeme in the paryche of Aston, to every house iiii^d.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gyve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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