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Example sentences for "habitations"

Lexicographically close words:
habitantes; habitants; habitare; habitat; habitation; habitats; habite; habited; habitent; habito
  1. The historian, Heriot, says of these in 1805: “The habitations of the principal merchants are neat and commodious and their storehouses are spacious and secured against loss from fire, being covered with sheet iron or tin.

  2. He takes notes on raccoons, investigates opossums, and visits a marsh "full of subterranean habitations of beavers," and he sees them at work.

  3. In the Deep of the Silences I In the ancient wild there were three great silences that held their habitations unassailed.

  4. Occasionally spots of white were discoverable amidst the forests of the opposite hills, which announced, by the smoke that curled over the tops of the trees, the habitations of man and the commencement of agriculture.

  5. In truth, the occupants of these favored habitations were the nobles of Templeton, as Marmaduke was its king.

  6. The habitations of the peasantry in the villages in the vicinity of Keszthely, in the county of Szalad, are built of clay, not regularly thatched, but covered with straw held down by poles laid upon it.

  7. The habitations of the Walachians are small and confined; their towns are generally built of mud and timber, very seldom of stone.

  8. Their instruments of agriculture are throughout the same, and in all their habitations is observed a perfect uniformity of design.

  9. The doors of their habitations have no other guard than the mutual integrity of the inmates.

  10. Hence log huts are the general habitations of the peasantry.

  11. They reside in the outskirts of suburbs and villages, where they herd together, and their habitations contain a greater variety of conveniences than the dens described above.

  12. Enter their habitations and you will find the same neatness and cleanliness which are conspicuous in their habiliments.

  13. This, however singular, is rendered not improbable from the fact that beavers dig in their habitations holes solely destined for a like purpose[721].

  14. I gave the convicts who were newly arrived until the 18th, to build habitations for themselves; the others were employed at task-work.

  15. Feudal Tenantry,--their Habitations and Enclosures--Tenantry reduced in Number by the Union of the Two Crowns.

  16. These are merely habitations of man and coverts for beasts, roads and bridges, and places of worship.

  17. It has pleased God in his Goodness to Mankind, at length to discover to them the Means of securing their Habitations and other Buildings from Mischief by Thunder and Lightning.

  18. Beyond these habitations rose the trees surrounding another patrician abode; and beyond that the houses took a sudden turn, and nothing more was visible in a straight line but the dusky, indefinite objects of the distant view.

  19. Leland, “the monks fixed their habitations in desarts, which they cultivated with their own hands, and rendered the most delightful spots in the kingdom.

  20. In the stillness of the night the angels had been there, and had taken a redeemed soul back with them into the everlasting habitations of the blessed.

  21. The highest human habitations are found under these conditions.

  22. To prevent the return of the hapless fugitives, the government reduced to ashes their habitations and property, laying waste their own lands with a fury exceeding that of their most savage enemy.

  23. Their habitations were rude and unprotective.

  24. The old wooden lath and plaster dwellings gave place to more substantial habitations of brick and stone, and the public structures appeared to those who were contemporary with their erection, proud trophies of skill, art, and wealth.

  25. Naturally the news of this important discovery of lake habitations caused a great sensation, and gave a great impulse to archaeological studies.

  26. In this mountainous district a few fishermen's huts and those of the colliers were the only habitations that occurred; but the defect of population was abundantly supplied by the number of wooden dwellings that were floating on the river.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "habitations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.