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Example sentences for "haltered"

Lexicographically close words:
halt; halte; halted; halten; halter; haltering; halters; halting; haltingly; halts
  1. After all, this was not the Mary Whittaker that he had seen in his dreams, and the soft grey eyes that looked steadily into his face were different from those downcast eyes in the figure of the haltered girl that haunted him.

  2. The speakers were now approaching the spot where the father and the haltered stepdaughter were standing.

  3. Far up on the slope, in a little hollow where water ran and there was a little grass for Ranger to pick, Dale haltered him and made ready to spend the night.

  4. At length the two outlaws returned, leading three of the horses, which they haltered in the open glen.

  5. When the girls got off he haltered their horses also.

  6. Anson, and he ran to hold his own horse, which he had haltered right in camp.

  7. In fommer days I WAS equainted with that young woman; but haltered suckmstancies have sepparated us for hever, and mong cure is irratreevably perdew elsewhere.

  8. Mary Hann,' says I, 'suckimstancies has haltered our rellatif positions in life.

  9. He finally descried a group of men around a fire between two white-hooded wagons to the wheels of which were haltered several horses.

  10. I remember I saw the horses and mules haltered out under the trees with their hay and fodder under their noses--the dinner-baskets all in a cluster at the spring guarded by a negro woman.

  11. A few of these Hottentots, however, were told to stay behind that they might collect the horses, that were knee-haltered and grazing at a distance, and saddle them up.

  12. He was quivering like a new-haltered colt.

  13. But now some trouble awaited; for he had knee-haltered the animal with too great a length of reim, and rather carelessly as to the knot, consequently the latter had slipped, leaving the horse almost as free as though he were loose.

  14. Wade, I'm haltered like the north star in that.

  15. Sight of Wade's horse haltered near the cabin relieved Columbine somewhat of a gathering might of emotion.

  16. Wade haltered Kane, Jim, and Sampson, which act almost precipitated a fight, and led them out of the corral.

  17. I jest seen him," replied Billings, as he haltered his horses to a post.

  18. Brian good-naturedly, as having knee-haltered the horses, we were discussing some supplies which had been brought in a saddle-bag.

  19. Gale haltered him in the likeliest patch of grass and returned to his camp.

  20. A number of saddled horses stood haltered to posts.

  21. The oxen were all secured to the dissel-boom and trek-tow; and the horses were haltered up to the wheels, everything being made safe and sound.

  22. She left him, had no trouble in watering the horses, and haltered Wildfire among the willows on a patch of grass.

  23. Lucy uncoiled the rope on her saddle and haltered Sage King on the best grass near at hand.

  24. On the third evening he rode into a deserted native kraal, and having knee-haltered his pony, stretched his blankets on the floor of one of the huts and was soon asleep.

  25. He enjoyed a good meal, watered Vic and Prince, knee-haltered them, and once more lay down to sleep.

  26. About five miles out from Kimberley he pulled up, knee-haltered his ponies, and sat down on a boulder, with a map of the two republics spread out before him.

  27. It is a long time since you have heard from me,--and now I do write, you will find me somewhat haltered in my principles.

  28. Having knee-haltered his horses, so that they could not stray far, Hans started with his gun to examine the edge of a vlei or marsh into which the little stream flowed, and where Hans believed he might find some game.

  29. But the experiment is easy for any horse-owner, and would be best made in the stable, where the horse might easily be haltered down so as to offer no resistance.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haltered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.