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Example sentences for "hells"

Lexicographically close words:
hell; helle; hellebore; hellers; hellish; hellum; helluva; helly; helm; helme
  1. The barrel-houses, whiskey halls and underground hells furnish the nutrition for the human vultures.

  2. If the writer can stem the rush of these young souls to the fires of living hells he will feel well rewarded for his task.

  3. My friend here left us, and Jim and the Doctor had evidently changed their minds about going to see the "Hells of London.

  4. He felt perfectly willing, weighing the two in the balance of his mind, to pass through hells of torture for that compensation.

  5. Hells where they're driven round and round, meeting each other.

  6. Fifty distinct hells where they're bound to meet each other.

  7. O slave to bow to pain, Coward to live thus tortured with desire By demon nerves in hells of sensual fire.

  8. There are gilded hells where rich drones live and squalid hells where poor bees live, and the number of truly happy people is sadly, terribly, small.

  9. I have looked for you all over, in the gambling houses and in the gambling hells even.

  10. As there are seven Heavens (the planetary orbits) so, to satisfy Moslem love of symmetry, there must be as many earths and hells under the earth.

  11. Arvilly snapped out: "What good will that do if we carry private hells to burn 'em up before they die?

  12. It is said that the Hells of the Oriental religions even surpass those of mediæval Christendom in the morbid cruelty and obscenity, and in the childish extravagance of their descriptions.

  13. Everything in the thousand hells of Buddhism is painted as vividly as in the hell of Dante.

  14. There are separate hells for Christians, Jews, Sabians, Magians, idolaters, and the hypocrites of all religions.

  15. All the hells become visible, These all are seen this day,--verily thou shalt be Buddha.

  16. There are separate hells for thieves, for liars, for those who kill a cow, for those who drink wine, for those who insult a priest, and so on.

  17. One who is familiar with the imagery of the Buddhist hells will think the pencils of Dante and Pollok, of Jeremy Taylor and Jonathan Edwards, were dipped in water.

  18. The specifications and pictures of the terrors and distresses provided in the various hells are vivid in the extreme, including ingenious paraphrases of every sort of penalty and pang known in Egypt.

  19. In the lowest or infernal world are the hells of the demons.

  20. The hells of the inhabitants of the frigid zones are icy and rocky; those of the inhabitants of the torrid zones are fiery and sandy.

  21. The popular hells have ever been built on hierarchic selfishness, dogmatic pride, and personal cruelty, and have been walled around with arbitrary and traditional rituals.

  22. And all their heavens were strange and far away, And all their hells were made of human hate; And since for death I did not care to wait, A heaven I fashioned for myself one day.

  23. This extremely fearful account of the hells missed not its effect upon the king.

  24. People, being addicted to this liquor, grow accustomed to ill-behaviour, and will consequently fall into the precipices of dreadful hells or come to the state of beasts or to the attenuated condition of pretâs.

  25. He was pitifully weak, but the stimulus had lifted his mind out of the hells of obsession.

  26. Charter reflected upon the man's eyes, which had the startling look of having penetrated beyond the formality of Death--into shadows where inquisition-hells were limned.

  27. What in the seven hells are you doing in that rucker's outfit?

  28. What in the seven hells are you doing here, Nirea?

  29. I have gone through the hells of all existences to bring you news which you will share with me in a casual comfortable hour over my printed page.

  30. I have been through most of the red hells of prison life, but, worst of all, far worse than what they intend to do with me in a short while, was the particular hell of the dungeons in the days that followed.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hells" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.