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Example sentences for "heresie"

Lexicographically close words:
hereof; hereon; heres; heresiarch; heresiarchs; heresies; heresy; heresye; heretic; heretica
  1. Thus we see how new deuises or orders of religion and heresie came in together.

  2. For as poison is vnto the bodie, that is heresie vnto veritie.

  3. And also bicause the [Sidenote: The heresie of the Pelagians.

  4. About the same time also, one Palladius was sent from Celestinus bishop of Rome, vnto the Scots, to instruct them in the faith of Christ, and to purge them from the heresie of the said Pelagius.

  5. Thus we sée how new deuises or orders of religion and heresie came in together.

  6. Let men of God in Courts and Churches watch, O're such as do a Toleration hatch, Lest that ill Egg bring forth a Cockatrice To poison all with Heresie and Vice.

  7. And although there were many accused for the crime of heresie (as they terme it) yet these persons were only apprehended vpon the said Saint Paules day, Rob.

  8. Who beyng accused of heresie (as the Papistes call it) and cited therfore, an.

  9. Well, Sir, There's neither Heresie nor Treason in it.

  10. Havet in his L'Heresie et le Bras seculier au Moyen Age in OEuvres (Paris, 1896), vol.

  11. For I will playnly proue / that the papists are Heretikes / and do mayntayne Heresie againste certayn principall doctrines of our faithe.

  12. The cause efficient by which they are moued to Heresie is / ignoraunce and contempt of the holy scripture / and lust or couetus desire.

  13. But of Heresie I will make this definicion.

  14. Catholikes and the donatistes / was a lighte and small contention / and schisme: But he saieth that they defended an heresie / and that moste horrible / euen this that they did rebaptize.

  15. Nowe that ye se what Heresie is / consider well wether that the papistes be heretikes / or no?

  16. By which wordes truly euery man may perceyue that the same pestilent errour is brought agayn as it wer out of hell / in our age / and se that he ought cheifly to beware of it as of an heresie condemned.

  17. These opinions though condemned by lawful Councils, were not Heresie in me, etc.

  18. Nicephorus do all write of it: the reason of this Heresie was so specious, that it drew Pope John 22.

  19. And also bicause the heresie of the Pelagians began to renew againe amongst them (as he was informed) he admonished them to beware thereof, and by all meanes to auoid it.

  20. His ancient jurisdiction was, that he with certaine colleagues collaterals, might have damned of heresie upon probation as pleased him, and then to take all that were suspected of heresie.

  21. What they have judged to be heresie heretofore, ye cannot be ignorant of; and whether they remaine in their former malice or not, their fruits and travels openly declare.

  22. From hence also he gathers, That Protestants are in less danger of Heresie than Papists, till these give them more sufficient reasons to prove, that whatever the Church declares, is certainly revealed by God.

  23. Heresie that, which hath been adjudged so by them; now in the definitions of these 4 first General Councils your tenent hath received a Mortal wound.

  24. Whilst therefore the formalis ratio of Heresie is disputed, that all such are Hereticks seems granted.

  25. Let men of God in Courts and Churches watch O're such as do a Toleration hatch, Lest that Ill Egg bring forth a Cockatrice, To poison all with heresie and vice.

  26. What our lives and conversations have been in that place, is well known; and what we now suffer for, is much for false reports, and ungrounded jealousies of heresie and sedition.

  27. But the face of heresie is of a more horrid aspect than all .

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heresie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.