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Example sentences for "higher criticism"

  • The secretary hated the rapidly developing "scientific" spirit of the age and the "higher criticism" with a genuine and deadly hatred.

  • The "higher criticism" was nascent, and ancient traditions were already beginning to totter on the foundations which the Fathers had set.

  • In my first hasty judgment, after dipping into the 'Higher Criticism,' I concluded that Jesus was but a charlatan, who had learned thaumaturgy in Egypt and practiced it in Judea.

  • Thanks to a better appreciation of the same 'Higher Criticism' I am reconstructing my concept of him now, and on a better basis.

  • This vaunted "higher criticism" will resolve itself into the reflection of the bias and the prejudice of the critics.

  • There has arisen, to the great damage of religion, an artificial method, which is dignified by the name of the "higher criticism.

  • To shift to other and more ancient faiths can never be considered at all, for the "higher criticism" and "pragmatism" have left them all in even a worse plight.

  • The "higher criticism" represents the reluctant yielding of theologians to the existing conditions.

  • Higher criticism may be defined as a process of scientific investigation for the purpose of determining the origin, original form, and intended value of literary productions.

  • Higher criticism is none of these things.

  • First of all, it may be well to define, if possible, the term "higher criticism.

  • Paul Kanamori, known as the "Japanese Billy Sunday" furnishes an excellent illustration of the chilling effect of higher criticism.

  • But if the result of higher criticism should be to show that the latter half of the prophecy of Isaiah is much later than the earlier half, that is not a destruction of the Word of God.

  • Some of those who speak most fiercely about the study of the Bible, by what is known as higher criticism, are least intelligent as to what higher criticism actually means.

  • Higher criticism," or the study of the Bible by critical methods of historical and literary analysis, began in Europe early in the nineteenth century.

  • Higher Criticism, the evil doctrines, which reject the eternal punishment of the wicked, the spurious gospels, ethical teachings and every other false doctrine strikes at the blessed Person of our Lord.

  • After the written Word has been attacked and lowered the enemy who stands behind "Higher Criticism" in a disguised form has thrown off the mask and bluntly strikes at the Person of the beloved Son of God.

  • Philosophy, Higher Criticism, will rejoice that ecclesiasticism, which claimed to be the gateway to God for the people, is broken.

  • It brings forth no character fruitage, is unfit for any Divine purpose, is slender, half- charred by the assaults of Higher Criticism, and fit only to be destroyed.

  • It is not my purpose here to enter into a discussion of the merits or demerits of Higher Criticism; to point out what is true in it, and what false.

  • It leaves everything hanging in the air," says one able critic of Higher Criticism.

  • Moreover, he has been so busy of late years attending Synods, General Assemblies and Conferences, to prevent the recognition of women delegates, that he has had no time to study the languages and "higher criticism.

  • What is known as the "Higher Criticism" has done much to clear away the clouds of superstition which have enveloped it.

  • But it must be remembered, on the other side, that this charge applies with equal force to all progressive studies, not excluding the "higher criticism" itself.

  • It implies that the work of the "higher criticism" has not been in vain; on the contrary, the work it has performed has been a very needful and important one, and in its own sphere has helped us to the discovery of the truth.

  • The time is now come for confronting the conclusions of the "higher criticism," so far as it applies to the books of the Old Testament, with the ascertained results of modern Oriental research.

  • This Higher Criticism partakes of two characters, literary and historical.

  • We now pass on to consider the growth of literary and historic criticism, which constitute the Higher Criticism as already explained.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "higher criticism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    colonial possessions; great letter; higher authority; higher civilization; higher court; higher culture; higher degree; higher education; higher ground; higher infant mortality and death rates; higher learning; higher level; higher life; higher order; higher planes; higher plants; higher position; higher rank; higher sense; higher standard; higher things; religious teaching; school hours; shall endeavor; sudden turn; torian guard