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Example sentences for "shall endeavor"

  • With him friendship is being made, and I shall endeavor to preserve it, as I think it will prove of no possible harm but of gain now for many things.

  • Although they are almost past use, I shall endeavor to place them in the condition and number advisable.

  • Well, I shall endeavor to find one not beyond my strength.

  • This we shall endeavor to prove by the following arguments: First, the end of the action of the infinite outside himself is the highest possible manifestation of his infinite excellence.

  • It is true, it only gives the favorable side of that class, but, in speaking of the religion of the country, we shall endeavor to complete the picture and present it in its true light.

  • We will, therefore, begin by a somewhat long quotation from one of these lectures, as the basis of the remarks we have to make ourselves, in which we shall endeavor to make the line of argument adopted by Dr.

  • In consideration of the importance of galvanized plates, I shall endeavor to give as plain and concise a manner of manipulation as possible.

  • As I do not wish to treat such persons with even the appearance of disrespect, I shall endeavor to show just how the use of the hives which they have devised, has contributed to undermine the prosperity of the bees.

  • I shall endeavor, therefore, in the present portion of the work, to enter with care and impartiality into the investigation of the claims of the schools of ancient and modern landscape to faithfulness in representing nature.

  • It is little short of presumption to venture to combat an idea perhaps more extensively spread than any of our time, yet this we shall endeavor to do.

  • If the reader, then, will follow me patiently and attentively through the mazes into which I am forced to enter, I shall endeavor to throw as much light as I am capable of, upon this inherently obscure and abstruse subject.

  • I shall endeavor to give a concise abstract of his views, and then to point out where and why he errs.

  • I shall endeavor hereafter to examine the argument that is derived from "rudiments" more closely.

  • In a future chapter I shall endeavor to show why this hypothesis in regard to the solar system is most conformable to the rules of rational belief.

  • Like all great women, she has had many virulent detractors and many ardent eulogists; but we shall endeavor to avoid the {800} extremes of both, more especially as M.

  • In the conception of the supernatural we shall endeavor to point out the radical conception of Catholicism.

  • We shall endeavor in this essay to discover this cause, after having given a brief sketch of the contents and the scope of the great poem.

  • I trace up the stream of these traditions above the point where it seems to be lost, and I shall endeavor to descend with the stream into the abyss, in order to assure myself that I really behold the same waters at their outlet.

  • We shall endeavor to throw some light both upon its truth and its falsehood, and, if possible, draw the line which divides them from each other.

  • We shall endeavor to show, that the very laws or institution which is supposed by fanatical declaimers to shut out liberty from the Negro race among us, really shuts out the most frightful license and disorder from society.

  • We shall endeavor to be as brief as possible upon this subject, keeping in view meanwhile that candor and perspicuity which are indispensable in all our attempts to explain new views.

  • In pursuing this investigation I shall endeavor to avoid all abstruse and metaphysical reasoning, present no wild conjectures, or vain hypotheses; but confine myself to plain, common place matter of fact.

  • As for me," said Mary, veiling her eyes with her hand as though she feared they might deny her words, "I shall endeavor to find the sight of your happiness sufficient for me.

  • I shall endeavor to be worthy of the confidence with which I am honored.

  • It is on this glorious happiness we are going to meditate; and first, we shall endeavor to obtain a definite idea of the Beatific Vision, which is the essential constituent of heavenly bliss.

  • As this is a point of importance, we shall endeavor to understand it more clearly by an illustration.

  • We shall endeavor to do the same in our meditations on the life of the blessed.

  • In our next paper, we shall endeavor to picture some of the effects of naval life on character, and the strange experiences one can have on shipboard, even in the monotony of life on a blockader.

  • We are fully aware that this will be regarded as a bold, and possibly as a presuming proposition, but we shall endeavor to work it out with such means as we may have at command.

  • And such is the method which we shall endeavor to pursue.

  • I intend to accede to Gerard's wish, and will defer the marriage until November; but in the meantime, I shall endeavor to win back his heart, which I believe has been artfully enticed from me.

  • I shall endeavor to forget all this, since I am too sincerely your friend to desire to set your hasty words in the storehouse of memory.

  • When Muriel marries, Miss Dexter may not be willing to remain here, and if she leaves us I shall endeavor to find as worthy and reliable a substitute.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shall endeavor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    shall appear; shall carry; shall deal; shall dwell; shall ever; shall expect; shall fatter; shall feel; shall fight; shall first; shall just; shall know the truth; shall leave; shall marry; shall mention; shall pour; shall prepare; shall propose; shall receive; shall remain; shall save his people from their; shall seek; shall succeed; shall thee; shall they; ultimate reality