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Example sentences for "detractors"

Lexicographically close words:
detract; detracted; detracting; detraction; detractor; detracts; detrain; detrained; detraining; detrainment
  1. Whatever his detractors might have said of him, no one was ever heard to avow that he had bought or sold anything for gain.

  2. But there lacked not detractors who swore that John Dibble and other Lincolnites had applied for torches for the mere pleasure of carrying them.

  3. Probably she was too much a woman to contradict it; and it was long before any of her detractors thought of this mode of annoyance.

  4. But perhaps Tasso's greatest triumph over his jealous detractors has been the continued preference of his earlier and greater work to his continuation of the same theme, in which he studied to profit by their criticisms.

  5. On his way, he paid a visit of thanks to Guidobaldo, and by his works removed certain unfavourable impressions made by unfriendly detractors in his absence.

  6. Henningsen was considered to have been the military genius of the Nicaraguan campaign by the detractors of Walker, who could not deny the wonderful success of the latter.

  7. Walker's detractors commented characteristically upon this execution, picturing the impartial judge as another Mokanna, delighting in the suffering of friend as of foe.

  8. Euripides has been accused by his detractors of degrading his art, because he opened his plays with a prologue and ended them with the intervention of a god.

  9. Its detractors agree that the late Emperor Nero was a maligned man; cruel, perhaps, in some of his aspects, but not so cruel as has been made out in the case against him.

  10. It has to be remembered that in this matter the detractors had it all their own way during the struggle.

  11. Their enmity was primarily directed against the Augustana, whose objective and moderate tone had gained many friends even among the Catholics, and which had indirectly branded Eck and his compeers as detractors and calumniators.

  12. Moreover, the number of detractors disappears in the great host of friends who down to the present day have not tired of praising the Catechisms, especially the Enchiridion.

  13. The papal detractors of the Formula were led by the Jesuit Cardinal Bellarmin, who in 1589 published his Judgment of the Book of Concord.

  14. We shall even have gained, if, by refusing your gifts now, we force our detractors to agree that we were not unworthy of them.

  15. Gluck's detractors were discomfited, and the theatre was filled every evening with his admirers.

  16. His bitterest detractors do not raise a whisper against him here.

  17. Detractors have said that he stopped in his History when on the threshold of Morton's Regency, because he did not wish to advertise an adversary.

  18. Indeed the Latin, in which he afterwards wrote his great work, is so singularly pure that one of his detractors pretended that Vesalius must have got some good scholar to write the Latin for him.

  19. It may have been owing to the thorough acquaintance which Vesalius showed with these parts that his detractors pretended afterwards that he only understood superficial injuries.

  20. In the endeavour to depose him from the impossible position to which his panegyrists had exalted him, his detractors have gone to any length.

  21. Detractors are pleased to think it improbable that so illustrious a person should descend to give so great a mark of distinction to a creature so inferior as I.

  22. His vilest detractors laid their homage at the dead man's feet.

  23. He did it--with a double vengeance: he made the detractors come to his knees and he made a fortune out of them--them alone.

  24. Charity to self does not require that one actually have a good name, since reputation may be lost through the work of detractors or through one's own unintentional imprudence, or through circumstances over which one has no control.

  25. Old Tom Glendinning commenced to fail in health soon after the permanent settlement of the district; his detractors averred, because the blacks left off spearing the cattle and took to station work.

  26. But the thought did cross his brain that if he had taken the odds more than once pressed upon him, he might have paid his week’s expenses as well as confuted the detractors of the Benmohr stud.

  27. There are different opinions extant concerning the remarkable original of this character; ardent defenders and detractors of his are still living, but all agree that he was a strange man of great power.

  28. None of Jethro's detractors may say that he ever failed in kindness to her, and he loved her as much as was in his heart to love any woman after Cynthia Ware.

  29. So said the Brampton and Harwich papers, at least, though rivals and detractors of Mr. Sutton declared that they could find no matter in it which related to the subject of a bill, but that is neither here nor there.

  30. Detractors have also said that she did not like her people.

  31. All this is much against those malicious detractors who have said that this queen was a Florentine of low birth.

  32. For even the admirers of William owned that he did not show in the pursuit the energy which even his detractors acknowledged that he had shown in the battle.

  33. In that matter I did justice to my obligations to Lentulus marvellously well, while at the same time splendidly gratifying Pompey's wishes: but the detractors of Lentulus contrived to talk the matter out by obstructive speeches.

  34. For what can I hope with an enemy possessed of the most formidable power, with my detractors masters of the state, with friends unfaithful, with numbers of people jealous?

  35. Again, when you have got the feelings of your friends in a sound state, you must then acquaint yourself with the attitude and varieties of your detractors and opponents.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "detractors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.