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Example sentences for "hogges"

Lexicographically close words:
hofficer; hog; hogans; hogback; hogged; hoggie; hogging; hoggish; hogs; hogshead
  1. But if the thing whereon they doo cast their lottes bee of importance, then they doo offer vnto them a hogges heade boyled, dressed with hearbes and flowers, the which is esteemed aboue all other thinges, and therewith a great pot with wine.

  2. Besides all this, the olde folkes and poore men within the hospitall, doo bring vpp hennes, chickens, and hogges for their owne recreation and profit, wherein they doo delight themselves.

  3. Hogges abord our shippes as we could eate.

  4. The first of February wee had two hogges brought aborde our shippes, that wee bought for two Ryalles of eyght, and we eate them very sauerly.

  5. But by the croys which that seint Eleyne fond, I wolde I hadde thy coillons in myn hond In stede of relikes or of seintuarie; Lat cutte hem of, I wol thee helpe hem carie; Thay shul be shryned in an hogges tord.

  6. They carried dogges with them, and a man of the Country, which did hunt; and by the way, or where they were to lodge that night, they killed as many hogges as they needed.

  7. And though they did not commonly vse it, yet they were so greedie of it, that euery night there came Indians to certaine houses a crossebow shot from the Camp, where the hogges lay, and killed, and carried away as many as they could.

  8. The Gouernour inuited the Cacique, and certaine principall Indians, and gaue them hogges flesh to eate.

  9. A thousand hogges that dogge did kill Their hunger to sustaine.

  10. The two and forty weekes being past They hoyst sayle and away; Their shippes with hogges well freighted were, Their harts with mickle joy.

  11. Stryke the hogges wyth a clubbe, They haue dranke up my swyllyn tubbe.

  12. Camp, the rest they made dried flesh of; and dressed the hogges which they had in like manner.

  13. Yet, when they saw that the hogges wanted it not, and that they had yeelded themselues to serue them, and considering their miserie and wretchednes, hauing pity of them, they gaue them part of the Maiz which they had.

  14. A thousand hogges that dogge did kill, their hunger to sustaine, And with such foode did in that ile two and forty weekes remaine.

  15. The two and forty weekes being past, they hoyst sayle and away; Their ships with hogges well freighted were, their harts with mickle joy.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hogges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.