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Example sentences for "homa"

Lexicographically close words:
holydays; holye; holystone; holystoned; holystoning; homage; homages; homagium; hombre; hombres
  1. But devos, ĉar sen homa penado nenio tended it must be, for without al homoj prosperas.

  2. The gods also were gratified at the sacrifice by the Ida, clarified butter, Homa and libations poured by the great Rishis versed in mantras and pronunciation.

  3. Mitchell [365] the offering of Homa is still made at Parsi temples, though apparently some substitute must have been obtained for the original plant, which does not grow in the plains of India.

  4. Like the Hindus, the Iranian ancestors of the Parsis revered the sacred liquor made from the Soma or Homa plant.

  5. The fourth who worshipped Homa was Pourushaspa, and he was rewarded by the birth of his son Zoroaster.

  6. Now the truth is, that Homa is the same as the Sanskrit Soma, well known from the Veda as an intoxicating beverage used at the great sacrifices, and afterwards raised to the rank of a deity.

  7. The Homa is that sacrificial rite which consists of pouring libations of clarified butter into fire.

  8. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, at which wine is mysteriously converted into the essence of Deity, or into the blood of Christ, is without doubt a relic of the idea once entertained regarding the homa tree.

  9. Sir George Birdwood says the Hom or Homa was the Sanskrit Soma, used as an intoxicating drink by the early Brahmins, and was extracted from the plant of that name, an almost leafless succulent Asclepiad.

  10. This sacred tree, the Homa of Zoroaster and of the later Persians, has so early a beginning that we find it on Assyrian monuments.

  11. Sometimes the expression of the symbol is reduced to the cone-fruit of the homa alone; or even to a blossom, as in the two glass bowls in the Slade collection in the British Museum, from a tomb at Chiusi, in Etruria.

  12. Forest recluses kept kine for merit as also for homa or sacrifice with the ghee obtained from them.

  13. Thou art, again, all the other mantras that have been declared in respect of the Homa rites of men.

  14. Libations are poured on the Homa fire in accompaniment with the seventeen monosyllabic sounds.

  15. According to what ordinances should he perform the homa in honour of the gods and the Pitris?

  16. At the hours ordained for Homa one should pour libations on the sacred fire.

  17. The blood that runs over the field in consequence of the fury of the attack, constitutes the final libation, fraught with great merit and capable of granting every wish, in the Homa of this sacrifice.

  18. Their homa fires ceased to send bright and upward flames.

  19. In the period before the separation of the Iranians and Indians the worship of the Homa plant (the god of inspiration, etc.

  20. In these chapters Homa is personified, as, also, in the Vedas, is the Sanscrit Soma.

  21. The present chapters belong to the period of the revival of the Homa cult among the Mazdaists or Zarathustrians.

  22. In some manuscripts these chapters are designated Homa-Yashts, because they celebrate the praises of Homa and have the form of Yashts.

  23. Those Brahmanas that make Homa with offerings of sesame, abstain from sexual intercourse, and are observant of the religion of Pravritti or acts, are regarded as equal (in purity and efficacy) to bovine Havi.

  24. As the sacred fire waits for libations to be poured upon it when the hour for Homa arrives, even so a woman, when her functional period is over, expects an act of congress with her husband.

  25. Indeed, O best of the Kurus, they should be waited upon with reverence even as people wait with reverence upon their sacrificial or Homa fires.

  26. The fact is, ascetics sometimes created children without the intervention of women and by efficacy of the Homa alone.

  27. The performance of the rites of Homa is their duty, as also the observance of the five sacrifices.

  28. One should always perform the Homa for propitiating the deities, and recite the Savitri Mantra.

  29. He once more performed his ablutions in the sacred waters of the Vahuda and then ignited his homa fire and worshipped it with the aid of many foremost of Vedic mantras.

  30. Mantras and Homa recited and performed in the case of a girl that has not been bestowed by her kinsmen, do not accomplish their purpose.

  31. Upon the girl's kinsmen having expressed their consent, Mantras and Homa should be resorted to.

  32. For his especial sacrifices Agastya performed the homa with fat of the deer.

  33. The virtuous son of Varuna obtained Nandini for his Homa rites.

  34. And the slayer of hostile heroes also saw around him learned Brahmanas of rigid vows engaged in Japa (the repeated muttering of the names of gods) and Homa (burnt-offering).

  35. The ceremony seems to have been regarded, in part, as having a mystic force, securing the favor of heaven; in part, as exerting a beneficial effect upon the body of the worshipper through the curative power inherent in the Homa plant.

  36. I will perform a homa (burnt sacrifice) and verily believe that it will have the desired effect.

  37. Knowing well that the policeman would keep faith with a Brahman, Gobardhan went straight to Debendra Babu with the glad news that the homa sacrifice had been completely successful, and not a hair of his head would be injured.

  38. Twenty-one sacrificial posts were set up for the birds, and beasts, and reptiles, which were to be offered up besides the horse, and there were eighteen Homa pits.

  39. All the fragments of the herbs which had been provided for Homa were then ground into powder.

  40. A great sacrifice was offered up, and Dhaumya, the family priest of the Pandavas, poured the Homa offering to the gods on the sacred fire.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homa" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.