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Example sentences for "homemaker"

Lexicographically close words:
homeliest; homelike; homeliness; homely; homemade; homemakers; homeopathic; homeopathy; homerische; homes
  1. The efficient homemaker must therefore make intelligent provision for these points of contact with the community.

  2. Our homemaker must know about them, and must compare their value with the older piece of operating machinery, the domestic servant.

  3. But most of all must the homemaker be taught that the comfort and well-being of the family come first in the making of plans.

  4. More and more we are coming to see that the evolution of a successful homemaker requires that the school as well as the home keep the homemaking ideal before it.

  5. She would not be a success as a homemaker under any circumstances.

  6. The homemaker must know under such circumstances how to stir public opinion, how to make use of her existing organizations, how to set on foot the various movements necessary for reform.

  7. Among the facts to be faced by the homemaker who wishes to intercept the flight of the housemaid and the cook are these: 1.

  8. On the contrary, the education which prepares the homemaker will exercise special care in training for those intervening years, or for life work if it should prove to be such.

  9. Will she perhaps be a better homemaker for her vocational experience?

  10. In a hundred details the homemaker should be able to increase the efficiency of the "place to make citizens in.

  11. The rural homemaker must make sure that his water supply is at a safe distance from contaminating impurities] Is the water supply adequate?

  12. The visitor may not know, but as compared with the homemaker in a poor family, has far more time and a greater facility, perhaps, in learning.

  13. Begin by teaching the homemaker to mend and keep the clothing in good order, and give her some of your own experience as to which materials wear the best.

  14. Knowledge of sanitary science will make the homemaker demand cleanliness in her surroundings, quick disposal of waste, and the prompt removal of dust.

  15. What definite aims should the wise homemaker have in mind in dividing the income?

  16. Much must necessarily depend upon the amount of hired service required, which, in turn, depends largely upon whether the homemaker is to give her time chiefly to the care of her children or chiefly to the conduct of the housework.

  17. The truly thrifty homemaker will wait until she can afford to buy something genuinely good, and then buy it with the conviction that she is laying up treasures of future happiness and contentment.

  18. Considering its greater durability than matting, cordoman is really the more economical, and the homemaker will do well to investigate its merits.

  19. These specific objectives probably cover those phases of art for which the average homemaker has the greatest need.

  20. Present the following Badges: Home Nurse First Aide Homemaker and any two of the following: Child Nurse Health Winner Laundress Cook Needlewoman Gardener Health 6.

  21. Competent authorities agree that this is one of the most important and successful of the Homemaker Series.

  22. The homemaker should develop his plan before he attempts to develop his place.

  23. It is not always possible to find such a person, however; and it is no little satisfaction to the homemaker if he can feel that he can handle the work himself, even at the expense of some mistakes.

  24. In the Carringford dwelling the magic wand of a true homemaker had touched it all.

  25. It was a blessing to have a real housekeeper, and homemaker as well, in the house.

  26. But better than all, Janice, the homemaker learned many new and interesting things about housekeeping.

  27. The homemaker should not feel that Oriental rugs are too expensive for consideration.

  28. Shall the homemaker refuse to protect her household from one of the greatest sources of physical infection which follows in the wake of modern indifference to pure water supply?

  29. But Waitstill wuz a true homemaker and could make a barn seem home like, as folks can that have that gift.

  30. The successful homemaker can no longer concern herself solely with home-management, but must assume her share of responsibility in community-management, or "community housekeeping.

  31. But what is the homemaker of limited means, who must have some help, to do under present conditions?

  32. What is the homemaker of limited means, who must have some help, to do under present conditions?

  33. It may seem that, in this article, I am more concerned for the "hired help" than the homemaker for whom I am ostensibly writing.

  34. The person I am concerned with is the homemaker who can afford at most to employ an inexperienced young girl at from £10 to £14 per annum.

  35. It is a problem usually very difficult of solution by the homemaker of small means.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homemaker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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