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Example sentences for "homes"

Lexicographically close words:
homemaker; homemakers; homeopathic; homeopathy; homerische; homeseekers; homesick; homesickness; homespun; homespuns
  1. Some loss and suffering have resulted to passengers, but a due care for the homes of our people justifies in such cases the utmost precaution.

  2. They all have a tale of horror to tell--barbarous acts committed by the Germans in the homes these people are fleeing from--acts so terrible that it is almost impossible to believe them.

  3. Beautiful young heroes, flower and hope of our land, who have given their lives unfalteringly here, that our homes might be saved to us!

  4. But at their homes the children had plenty of opportunity to show their intense enthusiasm for the cause of liberty.

  5. Fortunate indeed were the families whose homes were not disturbed by the military operations.

  6. Still the people had the splendid compensation of freedom with victory, and men went sturdily back to their homes to take up as far as possible their various occupations.

  7. But ten thousand natives go back to their homes with murder in their hearts.

  8. Once two well-known ladies were spirited away in the most mysterious fashion, and they were not returned to their homes until both had spent several years among the red people.

  9. We want our homes as complete in comforts and appliances as we can reasonably afford.

  10. This is an extreme case, but there are countless others, grading from those as serious as this to those in which homes just miss being comfortable on account of tiny, gnat-like annoyances.

  11. Her crew, also, were more than willing to see their homes and families.

  12. The forts'll be safer," they said, as they packed up their dangerous work and prepared to scatter to their homes through the icy storm.

  13. The chief tributary on the northern side as we mount the stream is Leader Water, where Homes had aince commanding.

  14. But the Homes and the Kers returned, and spoiled the play for the outnumbered Scotts.

  15. Illustration: 0324] To add to the sanitary joys of those homes of disease germs, it was, too, the almost universal custom to use the space below the bed as a kind of store house.

  16. Moreover, the weasels had made the homes temporary centers from which they raided other rodent habitations in the vicinity.

  17. In this account he mentions the fur-lined nests of the weasels that had appropriated the homes of the Microtus.

  18. The homes of 27 other vole communities examined at this time were all found to have been entered by weasels, the inhabitants having been killed and partly eaten.

  19. It was not until he had summarily ordered them to go to their homes and not come near him that the colonel managed to get a clear statement from some of the men.

  20. One among a dozen little shanties and log houses, the homes of the laundresses of the garrison and collectively known as Sudsville, was a mass of flames.

  21. In front of it a fringe of elms, of all trees the tree of most established principle, bordered the stretch of turf between the gravel drive and road; and these elms were the homes of rooks of all birds the most conventional.

  22. They rove about, mental and moral Ishmaelites, pitching their tents amid the fixed and ornamented homes of men.

  23. You cannot be fair, nor can your homes be fair, unless you are holy and noble.

  24. As the smoke from the funeral pyre continued to drift through the village, the high-caste men and women entered their homes and sealed their doors.

  25. The road was wide, with rows of mud-brick homes on either side, and ahead was an open square, where a crowd had gathered.

  26. These must all be homes of rich Muslim merchants.

  27. Spreading away on all sides were tumbledown thatch-roofed homes of sticks and clay, many raised on foot-high stilts to keep them above the seasonal mud.

  28. The brick and plaster homes there in the center of the village probably belong to Brahmins.

  29. It was a jumble of two-story brick and tile merchant houses, clay-faced homes of Hindu tradesmen, and a spreading sea of mud and thatch one-room hovels that sheltered the rest.

  30. The principal strongholds of the Homes were Douglas castle in Haddington and Home castle in Berwickshire.

  31. Pictures by Hogarth from private collections are constantly to be found at the annual exhibitions of the Old Masters at Burlington House; but most of the best-known works have permanent homes in public galleries.

  32. We accordingly inquired of one of the many peons we met, who were returning to their homes from their day's labor in the fields, how far it was to San Miguel.

  33. If they could but reach the other side of the river, they would be almost in sight of their homes from which they had been absent for more than a week.

  34. We were much interested in the haciendas through which the train passed, as well as in the homes of their owners and in the picturesque villages along the road.

  35. In one single year, 1768, it is said that the number torn from their homes and country and transported to Spain's new colonies was no less than ninety-seven thousand.

  36. It is something that is denied to us whose homes are in the North, and, to enjoy it in all its newness and freshness, we must perforce immigrate to tropical and subtropical climes.

  37. While he was thus addressing us, a number of Llaneros passed by on their way from Bogotá to their homes in the warm plains near Villavicencio.

  38. The architecture of many of the buildings, erstwhile homes of wealth and culture and refinement, is Moorish in character and carried us back to many happy days spent in fair Andalusia in its once noble capitals, Granada and Seville.

  39. Large flocks of them annually leave North America and Europe to spend the winter season in South America and as regularly return to their northern homes the following summer.

  40. The poet entered these homes not with the spirit of a cool observer, nor as a samaritan,--he came as man to man, with no appearance of one stooping to poor Lazarus.

  41. Out of these homes the wives and children of the men struggling for a living wage were thrown into the street and left without shelter.

  42. Widely-ranging species, abounding in individuals, which have already triumphed over many competitors in their own widely-extended homes will have the best chance of seizing on new places, when they spread into new countries.

  43. Thus many of these wanderers, though still plainly related by inheritance to their brethren of the northern or southern hemispheres, now exist in their new homes as well-marked varieties or as distinct species.

  44. In their new homes they will be exposed to new conditions, and will frequently undergo further modification and improvement; and thus they will become still further victorious, and will produce groups of modified descendants.

  45. A wide distance between the homes of two doubtful forms leads many naturalists to rank both as distinct species; but what distance, it has been well asked, will suffice?

  46. All the male population, except the old and infirm, worked far away from their homes for European planters, to get money necessary for the taxes, or in consequence of the law court.

  47. Why, you could put tents up in your big yards for the homeless people, till their own homes are built again.

  48. And he's going to take care of many families whose homes were burned.

  49. And father helped build all those nice new homes for the people who work in the Massey Steel Mills.

  50. As soon as he knew his yards were too big to waste and that his mother would love to have him do good, he told his wife he meant to put up tents till new homes were built.

  51. Father," he said, "who's going to build the new homes for the poor people?

  52. Don't you remember how the new homes went up under his direction for my employees?

  53. So many of those poor people haven't any homes any more, have they?

  54. There are a few homeless people in Anchorville; their homes laid waste by a fire," he said, pleasantly.

  55. Her mother answered: "It's providential in a manner that those unsightly cottages were swept away; but they meant homes for many poor souls; and all that they possessed was contained in those homes.

  56. I will say that I have concluded all arrangements to rebuild homes for the men and their families who were burned out some time ago, and I want you to act as my agent.

  57. Well," said I, "so be it; and would that all the women seeking homes and employment could thus fall in with women who have homes and are perishing in them for want of educated helpers!

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.