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Example sentences for "homesick"

Lexicographically close words:
homeopathic; homeopathy; homerische; homes; homeseekers; homesickness; homespun; homespuns; homestead; homesteaded
  1. Oh "thee" is who cometh first Out of mine own-soul-kin, For I am homesick after mine own kind And ordinary people touch me not.

  2. Yea, I am homesick After mine own kind that know, and feel And have some breath for beauty and the arts.

  3. I'll bet he thought he was the most homesick mortal in camp.

  4. Never in my life will I smell the smoke of burning pine wood, but that these nights will come trooping through my memory, and I'm certain that I will be homesick then and want to come back and live them all over again.

  5. We are all homesick that is certain, and hungry, too, and wondering about the future.

  6. He was so homesick that he could hardly endure the misery of it.

  7. After the meal they felt rusty, and stiff-jointed, and a little homesick once more.

  8. These almost sound like some homesick visitor in a foreign land.

  9. Says he, 'I've been homesick night and day for eighteen months, and all the money in Texas couldn't keep me away from Kentucky any longer.

  10. In her letters to her sister, Miss Anthony wrote: "Sometimes I have a homesick hour and feel as if I must leave all and rush back to my own hearthstone, but then I pull myself together and resolve to go through to the end.

  11. One night, in the barracks, I kinda got homesick I reckon, 'cause that wuz the day I got cussed out for the first time in my whole, entire life.

  12. Private Jediah Cromwell was homesick for the first time since his induction into the Army.

  13. If he had gotten homesick on any of at least a dozen other occasions during his first two weeks in the service, he might never have gotten beyond the induction center.

  14. Often I should have been dreadfully homesick if it hadn't been for him.

  15. I was suddenly so happy with my surprise-present that I forgave America for having imaginative reporters, and wasn't homesick for the pony or for Berengaria and her puppies, or anything.

  16. The visit to John's home had made her a bit homesick for John himself.

  17. For the first time since my marriage I felt homesick for the prairies.

  18. I was homesick for Wisconsin, homesick for real and simple people.

  19. I lived through homesick days, and some that were hard and bitter.

  20. And thus it was that Will Ferguson went sailing out of his mother's yearning sight in the good ship Ohio, specially committed to the care of John Gravesend, and as seasick and homesick a lad as ever smelt brine.

  21. I'm so homesick for something which I can't quite define that it gives me a misty sort of ache just under the fifth rib.

  22. Then Lady Allie joined our circle, and confessed that she'd been homesick for a sight of the kiddies, especially Dinkie, whom she took on her knee and regarded with an oddly wistful and abstracted manner.

  23. The homesick bird fluttered about a little, hunting for its nest.

  24. If you weren't here, I should be most terribly homesick already.

  25. Meantime, Miss Celia had come out, and was talking Italian to Giacomo in a way that delighted his homesick heart.

  26. I want to get them settled in their own quarters, and bring them into some regular routine of life and labor, before they have a chance to get homesick and dejected.

  27. Stifling the homesick feeling that tried to win upon them they set to work.

  28. No, Abby, I 'm too old to move now; I should be homesick down to the village.

  29. T was meself that was very homesick in me inside, coming away from the old place, but I had great boldness before every one.

  30. I 'd nothing to keep me then, and I was always homesick afther America, so back I come to it, but all me old frinds and neighbors is changed and gone.

  31. We were getting homesick over at the post, and ran over for the holiday.

  32. I'll be homesick if I spend Christmas in this place.

  33. It is quite natural; I myself have been so often homesick for my honored Parents, especially when in school.

  34. She wrote to my honored Parents that, but for being homesick for Maleszow, she would be the happiest woman in this world.

  35. I shall be dreadfully homesick there, I know; I shall be so strange and forlorn among all those gay people; I know you will be sorry if you don't let me stay.

  36. Poor little homesick child, you must have been miserable enough, among so many strange faces, with such an aching heart.

  37. He felt like a sick boy, sore and homesick with the infinite longing for the love of kin.

  38. I am weary and homesick I need the wide plains, and the deep streams, and the fresh, sweet air of the forests.

  39. Cows are often homesick in a new home with a strange master, and they grow to love those who are kind to them.

  40. It's a shame to talk about a child of twelve having the stoicism to starve herself into an illness just because she is homesick at boarding-school.

  41. Belinda had consoled many homesick little girls, but this was a different problem.

  42. He says that she has written that she is very homesick and unhappy and doesn't want to stay.

  43. One would think you had never seen a homesick girl before.

  44. The only thing we saw that made us homesick was the group of firemen in front of the engine house playing checkers or chess or something.

  45. Those delicately tinted souls in Europe who are homesick for Broadway may find it in the office of the American Red Cross; but they will find lower Broadway, not the place of the bright lights.

  46. It was the night before Thanksgiving, and she was feeling a little homesick in spite of Marie's efforts to entertain her.

  47. She went about with a dejected, homesick look that moved Mrs. Hosmer's heart.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homesick" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    hankering; languishing; longing; nostalgic; pining; wistful; yearning