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Example sentences for "hootch"

Lexicographically close words:
hooses; hoosh; hoosie; hoost; hoot; hooted; hooter; hooting; hootings; hoots
  1. Only the trout in Star Pond would ever sample that hootch again.

  2. Doubtless Kloon had used it in hootch running since.

  3. Lannis remained affable, even became jocose at moments: "No hootch for dinner, Mike?

  4. But the girl shook her head violently, caught him by the arm and drew him toward the mouth of the tile down which Clinch always emptied his hootch when the Dump was raided.

  5. Why, you poor dumb thing, Jake runs Canadian hootch for a livin' and Leverett's a trap thief!

  6. I want you to go to the hole in the rocks under Star Peak and lay this packet in the hootch cache.

  7. Here at its mouth, during the famine days before the steamboats came, they had cached their supplies; here they had brewed their hootch in the fall and held high carnival to celebrate their good luck or to drown their ill-fortune.

  8. My Indians managed to get hold of some hootch at Tagish and upset our canoe just below here.

  9. But whether it was or not, after it drank some of that there home-made hootch Peter went and laid an egg.

  10. But this yere son o' mine, he gets too much hootch under his belt one day, and he gets into this yere brand-new automobile of his'n and he starts onto one of these yere raids.

  11. Colorado Brown is a white man, and, if he gets the backing of the better element, he can give a good show and sell better hootch and better grub than ever Boss Tolley dared to.

  12. It would be eighteen hours at least before he could hope to be in Katleean where Kayak Bill had left a generous supply of hootch stowed away in the top bunk of his cabin.

  13. He realized as he worked, that today no tempting thought had come to him of secretly distilling hootch from stores he might take from this camp.

  14. I have my hootch and salmon And a little squaw to wife.

  15. You can see for yourself, Ellen, what this northern hootch does to a man--young Harlan is a good example.

  16. Flip that dollar for me, Casey, to see whether I shoot yuh now an' dump yuh out in the brush somewheres, or make yuh play the hootch game an' like it.

  17. Once you got that hootch off your mind, I rather think you'd have been glad to have me along with you, instead of giving me broad hints to leave.

  18. I went out and got him some medicine guaranteed, by the doctor who wrote the prescription, to take the hoot out of the hootch Casey had swallowed.

  19. Does Kenner, here, know you hit the hootch pretty strong at times?

  20. Yore a judge uh hootch all right--I can see that.

  21. When the last of the hootch had been transferred, Casey heard Smiling Lou tell Jim Cassidy to drive in to headquarters after breakfast next morning--but he did not see Smiling Lou wink when he said it.

  22. They had made the hootch with a new and different twist, and they were honestly anxious for his judgment and approval.

  23. Casey watched Jim Cassidy go picking his way amongst the tree roots and camp litter, his back straightened under the load of hootch he was carrying to Smiling Lou's car.

  24. I've hauled hootch all over the country, an' I never yet was dusted off so hard by the law that I didn't come through with a roll uh jack they'd overlooked.

  25. Foller Casey and you'll find 'im tangled up with a mess uh hootch b'fore he gits ten miles from camp.

  26. I coulda peddled that damn' hootch on a hangin' tray like circus lemonade.

  27. When I'm through with yuh, if you're able to wiggle the wheel, yuh can take your load uh hootch an' go tahell!

  28. Casey Ryan liked his hootch with a hoot in it.

  29. So now I'll coach you in the part you're to play as hootch runner; and to-morrow you can start for Los Angeles.

  30. Why, you poor dumb thing, Jake runs Canadian hootch for a livin'; and Leverett's a trap thief!

  31. I want you to go to the hole in the rocks under Star Peak and lay this packet under the hootch cache.

  32. Th' few shots av hootch ye had tu throw inta yu' last night tu get ye're Dutch up must be makin' ye see double, me man.

  33. Hooshomin its real name, but they mostly call it Hootch thereabouts.

  34. Provin and Adams will blow the blues in their laugh skit "Hootch Mon!

  35. Butts walked away to his cabin, swaying a little, as if he'd had more hootch than he could carry.

  36. In half an hour only those remained who had more hootch than they could carry off the premises.

  37. They had one king salmon and two white fish from the first Indian they saw, who wanted hootch for them, and got only tabak.

  38. The hootch is consigned through to the Canadian side in bond; but when it is landed here they drill a hole in the barrel and take out the whisky.

  39. There's nothing like hootch to get the squaws on the move--if the yellow-legs don't get on to it.

  40. They found a dollar's worth of hootch would get more from the savages than a dollar's worth of anything else; so they used whisky.

  41. Yes, that's what they say back East; but when you get up town you'll find every second place a saloon with all the hootch you want to drink, or have money to pay for.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hootch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.