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Example sentences for "humbles"

Lexicographically close words:
humble; humbled; humblement; humbleness; humbler; humblesse; humblest; humbleth; humblie; humbling
  1. No creature on earth knows how this prospect humbles me.

  2. They are unreasonable who disbelieve these things merely because they are most high things, and because it seems to them incredible that infinite Majesty humbles Himself to these loving relations with one of His creatures.

  3. What I have understood of the matter is this: that the whole foundation of prayer must be laid in humility, and that the more a soul humbles itself in prayer, the more God lifts it up.

  4. This is not natural to us, but the grace of Christ humbles the heart, and silences the tongue to self-justifying pleas.

  5. I tell you, this second man went home justified, but not the first man, for every one that exalts himself shall be abased; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.

  6. Whoever humbles himself like this little child, is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

  7. Whoever exalts himself shall be abased; and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.

  8. Think not that he who humbles himself remains for ever abased, for it is written: 'He shall be exalted.

  9. But humility, considered as a special virtue, regards chiefly the subjection of man to God, for Whose sake he humbles himself by subjecting himself to others.

  10. Now, when he sees that I have more courage than that and have not been silenced, he repents him too late of his rashness and understands that there is One in heaven who resists the proud and humbles the haughty [1 Pet.

  11. While it humbles the soul before God, it excites our zeal in good works and a heavenly conduct towards man.

  12. Yea, and the higher and more honourable the person is that pleads for such, the more he humbles himself.

  13. It raises the common people to the internal, and humbles the proud to the external; it is not perfect without the two, for the people must understand the spirit of the letter, and the learned must submit their spirit to the letter.

  14. For he who recognizes his sin, and shows that he does so by his deeds, and humbles him, always receives mercy.

  15. When a man sees himself molested by that vice of pride, at once he humbles himself, recognizing himself to be faulty--proud: while had he not been so molested he would not have known himself so well.

  16. The immense favour humbles him to the dust.

  17. It asserts that the good man is always in reality successful; that he who humbles himself is exalted, he who forgives is forgiven, he who gives to others receives again himself, he who hungers after righteousness is filled.

  18. He who humbles himself, and he only, shall be exalted.

  19. God, humbles it, so that it loses and even forfeits itself, and embraces God.

  20. A sense of the infinite sacrifice made for its cure, humbles them in their own sight, and fills their hearts with gratitude and praise which those who have never fallen cannot appreciate.

  21. Móxi ague,uru means to speak in a way which humbles oneself while bestowing honor on the person being addressed.

  22. Cure,uru and toraxe,uru mean to give in a way that humbles the person to whom the thing is given.

  23. Because his example exhibits to me a law that humbles my self-conceit when I compare it with my conduct: a law, the practicability of obedience to which I see proved by fact before my eyes.

  24. Now whatever checks our self-conceit in our own judgement humiliates; therefore the moral law inevitably humbles every man when he compares with it the physical propensities of his nature.

  25. That, the idea of which as a determining principle of our will humbles us in our self-consciousness, awakes respect for itself, so far as it is itself positive and a determining principle.

  26. For every one that exalts himself shall be humbled; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.

  27. He that humbles himself shall be exalted, and he that exalts himself shall be abased,” Matt.

  28. But how strange is it that he humbles himself to make friendship with man, to assume him in a kind of familiarity and equality?

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "humbles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.