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Example sentences for "inbound"

Lexicographically close words:
inauguration; inaugurator; inauspicious; inboard; inborn; inbreathed; inbreathing; inbred; inbreeding; incalculable
  1. Owing to the difficulties and dangers of the way, she had found it advisable to travel in company with pack trains or the police, and intended to proceed with the next inbound party.

  2. On the highest point of the pass they met an inbound pack train belonging to the Thirty-six, in charge of one Paddock.

  3. Another thing that inclined him towards taking the old trail was his strong faith that we should get trout in the outlet to Lake Elson, where we had such a successful fishing on the inbound journey.

  4. This ship's time is valuable, worth about a hundred dollars a day, and I can't stop to signal and put you aboard an inbound craft.

  5. Then the ship went on, and, as she met no inbound craft, Quinbey was forced to go with her.

  6. The cornucopia was in flow and humankind's first outbound and inbound highways to the greater universe were complete and working.

  7. Took manual control of her ship's guns when her patrol's sensors tagged unknowns inbound across no-mans-land sunside of the Jovian orbit.

  8. The mere fact that the inbound ships carried troops and supplies gave stronger reasons, from the humane standpoint, for heavier escorts, but not from the standpoint of the general war situation.

  9. This abandonment sometimes aroused the wrath of the passengers on the inbound convoy.

  10. Admiral Sellings orders Essex to proceed north and stand out to sea to protect inbound vessels.

  11. Keep lookout for inbound transports to be convoyed.

  12. ONE THEY DIDN'T GET We were one of a group of American destroyers convoying a fleet of inbound British merchant steamers.

  13. A peek through the periscope while she was up disclosed further evidence of the breeze--tossing white crests, two coasters hustling for harbor under short sail, an inbound fisherman with reefed mainsail making great leaps for home.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inbound" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    approaching; coming; entering; homeward; incoming; intrusive; invasive; inward