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Example sentences for "inbred"

Lexicographically close words:
inboard; inborn; inbound; inbreathed; inbreathing; inbreeding; incalculable; incalculably; incamped; incandescence
  1. Mouse fanciers have assured me," he continues, "that something like it may appear in strains inbred from the normal type, though I cannot find an indubitable case.

  2. Certainly it is not a necessary consequence of inbreeding, witness von Guaita's long series of inbred albinos.

  3. Inbred depravity lurks in the heart of even the true believer.

  4. Moreover, there was in his nature a dual tendency, which must necessarily expose him to inner tumults: a native propensity to mysticism and an equally inbred inclination to sharp, dry common sense.

  5. Thou only couldst the captive lands restore; But thou, with inbred broils and faction prest, From Egypt need'st a guardian with the rest.

  6. Under these circumstances of abject fear on the one hand, and inbred propensity for violence and plunder on the other, it is really surprising to find the Koords in Persian territory behaving themselves as well as they do.

  7. This has come to be the inbred spirit of mankind.

  8. But as we get close to Him and breathe in His spirit, there will come an inbred dislike, an intense inner loathing of sin, however refined it may be in its approach.

  9. Inbred these gave the classes shown in table 11.

  10. These inbred gave the results of table 52.

  11. Vermilion forked males were crossed to wild females and gave wild-type males and females, which inbred gave in F2 the results shown in table 39.

  12. Inbred these gave the results shown in table 46.

  13. The F{1} wild-type males and females inbred gave the results shown in table 29.

  14. These inbred gave the results shown in table 8.

  15. Inbred these gave the results shown in table 10.

  16. These inbred give the results shown in table 44.

  17. Since shifted arose in vermilion, the double recessive shifted vermilion was available for the following linkage experiment: shifted vermilion males by wild females gave wild-type males and females which inbred gave the data shown in table 46.

  18. Inbred they gave the results shown in table 31.

  19. Above the waves the god his shoulders rears, With inbred purple ting'd: He bids him sound His shelly trump, and back the billows call; And rivers to their banks again remand.

  20. Such admonition to thy daughters give, “If daughters hast thou; or thy sons have wives: “Enough for me my inbred wisdom serves.

  21. Where are you going to get these inbred seeds?

  22. The photograph was still in her hand; but her inbred delicacy of feeling kept the portrait hidden.

  23. Her voice was under control; her inbred capacity for deceit was ready for action.

  24. According to my proposed method, having opened hitherto these secondary causes, which are inbred with us, I must now proceed to the outward and adventitious, which happen unto us after we are born.

  25. In many localities bees have been inbred for years, making the introduction of new blood a necessity.

  26. Having been inbred for years will make them still less valuable, and most of them have been inbred for generations.

  27. The inbred nobility of the woman's nature answered the call which the man had unconsciously made on it.

  28. All remorse springs, more or less directly, from the action of two sentiments, which are neither of them inbred in the natural man.

  29. The inbred pride of the great lady began to appear behind the thin outer veil of politeness that covered it.

  30. Strongly as she felt this, Anne's inbred loyalty to Blanche still shrank from deceiving her to her face.

  31. To seize, master, and possess is an instinct inbred by the biological process.

  32. It was apparent that both sentinels, watching the water, through inbred negro carelessness, lay down and fell asleep.

  33. Finally this loquacity and inbred carelessness permitted Stas to conceal in his bosom seven cartridges.

  34. And to have the inbred sin taken away means nothing more and nothing less and nothing else, than entire sanctification.

  35. It ends either in complete religious declension amounting, sometimes, to apostacy on the one hand, or infinitely better, in the entire sanctification of the heart and complete deliverance from inbred sin.

  36. James gives a vivid description of inbred sin under the name of lust.

  37. We have already spoken of leprosy as a type of inbred sin, and of the requirement of blood-shedding in the cleansing of the leper.

  38. The degree is limited because of the presence of inbred sin, which is the great, if indeed, not the only hindrance of growth.

  39. Entire sanctification is an act of God's grace by which inbred sin is removed and the heart made holy.

  40. There would thus be a separation between the removing of inbred sin from the heart, and the baptism with the Holy Ghost.

  41. The little child has neither the guilt nor the pollution of committed sin; whilst he does have within him the inherited or inbred sin of his nature.

  42. The Lord Jesus Christ most assuredly did not need to be made holy, but all His redeemed children being subjects of inbred sin do need it.

  43. Nay, it even comes to pass that in consequence of inbred sin, the law multiplies offences.

  44. I, too, am suffering from the inheritance of centuries--of dependence and of the hypocrisy inbred by generations of chivalry.

  45. The kingly conception of government and its divine right to govern is inbred into the human race through thousands of years until it is accepted without question.

  46. The ordinary cares for supplying our natural wants are of the first sort, and the inbred errors and affections of the mind are of other kind).

  47. Know all nature to be characterised by ignorance of the triple states of the positive and comparative and superlative degrees; these are inbred in all living beings, except the Being that is beyond them, and which is the supreme one.

  48. Owing to the reproductive seed which is inborn in them, like the inbred desire of living beings), though they may long continue in their dormant state (like images of saints in their trance).

  49. Habit is second nature, and is inbred in every being; and what is bred in the bone, must run in the blood).

  50. As the butter is inbred in all kinds of milk, and the sap of all sappy substances is inborn in them, so the supreme soul is intrinsical and immanent in every thing.

  51. The inbred force of the woman's nature took refuge from it in an outburst of defiance and despair.

  52. In the presence of others, Lady Janet had successfully silenced the protest of her own inbred delicacy and inbred sense of honor.

  53. Lady Janet's inbred sense of justice admitted not over willingly--the reasonableness as well as the humanity of the view expressed in those words.

  54. In the grace which has forgiven me I recognize the inbred sense of justice of a true lady.

  55. The motive which had animated his conduct may, nevertheless, be described in two words: Julian still held to his faith in the inbred nobility of Mercy's nature.

  56. But the inbred sense of honor in her is not utterly silenced yet.

  57. Any man, not an inbred and inborn villain, would have respected her at that moment.

  58. Like all sensitively organized persons, she possessed that inbred sense of self-respect which is pride under another name.

  59. Still, in spite of these drawbacks, there was a latent charm in her expression, there was an inbred fascination in her manner, which instantly found its way to my sympathies and its hold on my admiration.

  60. This inbred civility - to use the word in its completest meaning - this natural and facile adjustment of contending liberties, seems all that is required to make a governable nation and a just and prosperous country.

  61. If, now, we turn to consider his inbred traits, those the result of experience, conditions and environments, we find that they exist mainly as deficiencies and deformities.

  62. Inbred qualities are acquired, and are the result of experience.

  63. The fundamental, or inborn, characteristics of the Negro may be found in the African, as well as the American, Negro; but the inbred characteristics of the latter belong to the American life alone.

  64. We have discussed the leading characteristics of the Negro, his inborn excellencies and inbred defects, candidly and as they are to be seen in the great mass whose place determines the status of the race as a whole.

  65. A drunkard's son, for example, is often conscious of an inbred craving which is a veritable disease, so that he is heavily weighted as he starts out on the race of life.

  66. His inbred instinct for justice prompts him to this; for the Romans cherished reverence for law, and even so corrupt a ruler as Pilate was not independent of the atmosphere of his race.

  67. But Ruth was wise enough to see that this feeling was inbred in Rebecca.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inbred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    atavistic; bodily; born; coeval; congenital; connate; constitutional; essential; genetic; hereditary; inborn; inbred; incarnate; indigenous; indwelling; ingrained; inherent; inherited; innate; instinctive; intimate; intrinsic; inveterate; native; natural; organic; physical; primal; rooted; temperamental