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Example sentences for "rooted"

Lexicographically close words:
roosters; roosting; roosts; root; roote; rooters; rootes; rooting; rootless; rootlet
  1. His fame was so rooted in the popular regard in his lifetime, that a characteristic letter from his hand was sure to be received as something singularly precious.

  2. My preservative against the first is the most thorough consciousness of her sentiments of honour and her attachment to me; my antidote against the last is my long and deep-rooted affection for her.

  3. With terror rooted to the spot, with fright uprose my hair, While on me, as in wonderment, he fixed an icy stare.

  4. For a moment I stood rooted to the spot, stupefied, bewildered; then, offering up a prayer of thanksgiving for my miraculous salvation, I departed on my way rejoicing.

  5. It proves how deeply he felt the pangs of a rooted sorrow, and how impossible it was, amid all the attractions of society, for him to escape the power of one who had bidden to all earthly societies an everlasting farewell.

  6. It presents a vivid picture of Plantation Life, with something of the action of a character that is more than likely to pass from story into history before the cause of the Rebellion is rooted out.

  7. The belief in Israel's God was too deeply rooted even in the hearts of those men who were partial to the Greek customs, and attached to the Hellenistic party to admit of this desecration.

  8. The religious convictions of the nation were not so deeply rooted that the people could witness all kinds of idolatrous practices without falling into the errors of idol-worship themselves.

  9. George joined them once, but Jan had a rooted and unconquerable dislike to the miller's man, and never replied to his advances with any thing more friendly than anger or tears.

  10. His head, now released from his helm, rose out from the richly ornamented collar of his armour with the grace of a flower and the strength of a tree rooted among rocks.

  11. Rooted and ineradicable is the desire in man's heart to know good and evil--but particularly evil.

  12. There is not any one view of which reason does so clearly accuse the vanity, as that; but it is so deeply rooted in us, that I doubt whether any one ever clearly freed himself from it, or no.

  13. Her sleeplessness had become too deep-rooted to be overcome, but it was greatly mitigated and her general condition vastly improved.

  14. The melancholy that was deep-rooted in her temperament, and her tender, all-absorbing sympathies, made her very quick to feel whatever of pain or sorrow pervaded the social atmosphere about her.

  15. Now I'll be mud, trod on by every beast that walks, an' rooted over by the hawgs, unless you save me.

  16. Morse afterwards declared this experiment to have been the seed which rooted in his mind and grew into the 'invention of the telegraph.

  17. The idea became rooted in his mind, and engrossed his thoughts.

  18. My passion for my art,' he wrote to his mother, in 1812, 'is so firmly rooted that I am confident no human power could destroy it.

  19. And had I obeyed them then should I have the heavy crime I had committed still rooted in my heart?

  20. Never shall I forget their horror when they saw our occupation; they were rooted to the spot from extreme terror: they spoke not, but their eyes glared wildly as they gazed, now at us and now at the dead.

  21. His now somber and even savage physiognomy revealed a rooted grief.

  22. Moreover, the young Prince was lightheaded, unsteady of purpose, they thought, and without any rooted religious belief.

  23. At that moment, and despite the terror that held me rooted to the ground, my inn-keeper's last suggestions occurred to me.

  24. But now, in their accursed grubbing for money, they have rooted up every finer instinct, and they think only of their tradings in silks with the Court ladies of London.

  25. And what's more, when I was hanging out my washing this morning a shote rooted through my basket of white clothes with his dirty nose, and while I made after him his big brother actually tried to eat one of my wet table-napkins.

  26. The disease once rooted soon becomes epizooetic, and causes a greater mortality than any other malady affecting this animal.

  27. For their wool, they are to look to the Merino; but good form and constitution they can and ought to possess, so as not to entail deep-rooted and entirely unnecessary evils on their progeny.

  28. Dick glanced upward at him, but without any token of recognition; and long after he had disappeared, still stood gazing upon Miss Sally Brass, seeing or thinking of nothing else, and rooted to the spot.

  29. Even when it had grown dusk, and the shadows of coming night made it more solemn still, the child remained, like one rooted to the spot, and had no fear or thought of stirring.

  30. I think it a far more satisfactory way to raise Roses than to buy small rooted plants from a florist; at least, such has been my experience.

  31. The part cut away may he rooted in heat in damp sand.

  32. This little company were, as nearly as human beings can be, rooted and grounded in perfect love.

  33. So deeply rooted does this horror of the man appear to be,' said Nicholas, 'that I can hardly believe he really is his son.

  34. At sight of the young lady, Nicholas started and changed colour; his heart beat violently, and he stood rooted to the spot.

  35. No man's character is so obstinately rooted in evil but that Christ can change its set and direction.

  36. Now although, of course, there is no kind of correspondence between the mere prejudice of this man Nathanael and the rooted intellectual doubts of other generations, yet 'Come and see' carries in it the essence of all Christian apologetics.

  37. That is not merely a necessity rooted in the nature of God and the wants of men.

  38. The two made one crop of wild oats, for which he was heartily sorry, and he could not see that those oats are of a darker stock which are rooted in another's dishonour.

  39. And the triviality faded from their faces, though it left something behind--the knowledge that they never could be parted because their love was rooted in common things.

  40. Pompeius had been for twenty years the acknowledged ruler of Rome; a dominion so deeply rooted does not perish with the ruler's death.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rooted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.