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Example sentences for "roosts"

Lexicographically close words:
roost; roosted; rooster; roosters; roosting; root; roote; rooted; rooters; rootes
  1. Arrange the roosts so that they may be readily removed for cleaning.

  2. The floor under the roosts should be separated from the feeding floor by a board set on edge.

  3. Illustration: The Bird of Time flies with a steadier wing But roosts with sleepless Eye--a Coffee Souse!

  4. Ducks, being aquatic birds, do not require heated apartments, nor roosts on which to perch during the night.

  5. Wonder how many hen-roosts he robbed last summer?

  6. The lowest roosts may be three feet from the ground, and the highest six feet, that they may easily fly from one to the other; and in this way they may all be approached, to catch the fowls, when required.

  7. For winter quarters, low shelters may be made for the water-fowls in the yards, and the turkies will frequently prefer to share the shelter of the hens, on the roosts in the house.

  8. Feathers were scattered round, but feathers might have been laid there as a blind by some rascal who had divers evil designs against the hen roosts of his neighbors.

  9. As the floor of the chicken house is also the dining table for the occupants it is extremely important that there should be a well-built platform under the roosts for droppings, in order to keep the floor clean.

  10. So if you have a garden or can dispose of your fertilizer every day or two you can make something extra on this by-product by a semi-weekly cleaning of roosts and droppings board.

  11. The roosts should be in the corner farthest from door and window, out of all draughts.

  12. When the chicks no longer need heat the hovers of the brooder houses are removed and roosts put in.

  13. Nothing in the shape of roosts or cross pieces should be put in the fly, as the pigeons need all the space in which to exercise their wings.

  14. Do not have the roosts at different levels.

  15. He wanted his mother now to go into the poultry-yard with him to see the roosts he had, and as she liked to enter into all his pleasures and useful occupations, she was very pleased to go.

  16. Unfortunately, however, the mongooses soon found out that fowls and chickens were even nicer than rats, and began to visit the hen-roosts at night.

  17. You must have read many stories illustrating this boldness of the fox, often shown in robbing hen-roosts and even catching chickens in the yards or the fields.

  18. And the farmer has very good cause for disliking them, for they not only get into his fields and steal his grain, but find their way into his hen-roosts and carry off the eggs and the young chickens.

  19. It is extremely mischievous, for night after night it will visit the hen-roosts and the sheepfolds, not only preying upon the poultry and the young lambs, but seeming to kill for the very sake of killing.

  20. None of the hens could have kicked it out last night, because they were all on the roosts when I shut them up.

  21. They certainly didn't do it this morning, because they wouldn't have dared leave the roosts with Jimmy Skunk here.

  22. When the first light stole in under the door and the biddies began to stir uneasily on their roosts Unc' Billy's anxiety would allow him to keep still no longer.

  23. Nobody knows where he roosts upon the earth, if he roosts any where at all.

  24. At Ponape, Coultas (field notes) observed the birds to fly to sea at daybreak and to begin to return to their roosts by 4:00 pm.

  25. At Ypao Point, Guam, birds were seen to fly back and forth in the day from their roosts on the sea-cliffs.

  26. Independent of the incessant maraudings among hen-roosts and squattings along the border, invading armies would penetrate, from time to time, into the very heart of the country.

  27. In fact, a bird in all cases roosts where it builds, and the wood-thrush occupies, as it were, the first story of the woods.

  28. It builds upon the ground, without the slightest cover or protection, and also roosts there.

  29. But this wurld is full ov wisdum that never cums out ov its hole; that always roosts on the top limbs ov a tree and hoots at the wayfairing man, but kant show him the way out ov the wilderness.

  30. Theze 2 kinds ov moral perfectioners are the only ones i kno ov in this wurld; we kan awl ov us imagine, and even hanker, for sumthing better than either ov theze, but perfekshun is not earthy, it roosts near the skeys.

  31. For example, where the roosts are to be two feet above the floor, I would have the windows about twenty inches from the floor, provided the roof is correspondingly low.

  32. The nests may be around the sides of the building, beneath the roosts and drop-board, or in any convenient place, and there should be as many as there is room for.

  33. The roosts are thirty-four inches above the floor, and run lengthwise of the house.

  34. These roosts are removable, being set in grooves cut into the wooden brackets which hold them.

  35. Horizontal roosts may be placed about one foot apart, and not more than three lying parallel, or the fowls roosting on the rear perch do not get enough air.

  36. Roosts two and one-quarter inches wide and not more than an inch thick, with slightly rounded edges favoring the curl of the toes, are satisfactory.

  37. The roosts are in the rear and extend the entire length of the building.

  38. With the roosts three or four feet above the floor, the window should be from thirty-two to forty-four inches above the floor, etc.

  39. The bats were shot from daytime roosts in small, well-lighted, cave-like spaces formed among immense blocks of granite in a small patch of tropical deciduous forest surrounded by extensive pine-oak woodland.

  40. The rear part of the house, where the roosts are located, must at all costs be protected against cross-currents of air.

  41. Treatment--Look around roosts and in cracks in warm weather and you are apt to see hundreds of mites.

  42. Roosts are placed near the north wall, level with or slightly above the front opening.

  43. As early as July 15, Tree Swallows will arrive and by the end of the month will be seen resting in rows on wayside telegraph wires, or en route to their roosts in the marshes.

  44. He visits our food-shelf and roosts in our evergreens, becoming almost as domestic as the Chipping Sparrow.

  45. This is also a good disinfectant, to be used for cleaning the roosts occasionally.

  46. Wash off the roosts with kerosene oil at least once a week.

  47. This manner of arranging the roosts prevents a good deal of quarreling to get on the top perch.

  48. He is a confirmed epicure, and at plundering hen-roosts an expert.

  49. World calls him hard names, probably World has a million roosts for a man, but only one nest.

  50. They will then often remain on their roosts half a day rather than alight on the cold snow.

  51. From personal observation I know horned owls always push chickens from the roosts and catch them while on the wing.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roosts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.