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Example sentences for "isotherm"

Lexicographically close words:
isomorphous; ison; isopod; isopods; isosceles; isothermal; isotherms; isotonic; isotope; isotopes
  1. If the station is exactly on an isotherm then measure the distance from the station to the nearest isotherm indicating a temperature 10 deg.

  2. Evidently this point is on the isotherm of 0 deg.

  3. Draw an isotherm east and west across the map, through your station.

  4. Draw other isotherms parallel to this, west of your station, letting each successive isotherm represent a temperature 10 deg.

  5. Kansas City towards, and at right angles to, the isotherm of 0 deg.

  6. Evidently this must be where the isotherms are closest together, because every isotherm that is crossed means a change of temperature of 10 deg.

  7. Draw through your station an isotherm inclined from northeast to southwest.

  8. On a second blank weather map draw an isotherm through your station inclined from northwest to southeast.

  9. Lay your paper scale of latitude degrees through Buffalo, from the isotherm of 10 deg.

  10. In the southern hemisphere this isotherm crosses the southern extremity of South America, and runs fairly east and west around the globe there.

  11. The polar limits of the temperate zones are fixed by the isotherm of 50 deg.

  12. A large area in the interior of Greenland, and one of about equal extent around the pole, are within the isotherm of 32 deg.

  13. For the year a large area around the pole is enclosed by the isotherm of -4 deg.

  14. The highest mean annual temperatures, shown by the isotherm of 85 deg.

  15. For instance, though the main area of the Athapascan stock is found in the frigid belt of Canada and Alaska, north of the annual isotherm of 0°C.

  16. Intense cold has checked both native and Russian development over that major portion of Siberia lying north of the mean annual isotherm of degree C.

  17. They have also comparatively high temperatures; the isotherm for 10° C.

  18. While in the southern section the isotherm for 10° C.

  19. The dotted curve represents the isotherm for 20deg.

  20. C isotherm for average annual temperature in the United States (Kincer, 1941).

  21. C isotherm for average annual temperature in the United States.

  22. Each species has a certain, definite physiological relation to temperature, and its migratory movement toward the breeding ground is determined by the movement of the isotherm of this temperature.

  23. The advent of spring is marked by the northward progression of the isotherm of 42.

  24. The southern limit of its distribution approximates the isotherm of forty-five degrees.

  25. It is found in a belt of territory running from New England and the Atlantic states westward at least to Nebraska along a line which approximates the annual isotherm of fifty degrees Fahrenheit.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "isotherm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cyclone; front; high; isotherm; low