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Example sentences for "martyred"

Lexicographically close words:
martyr; martyrdom; martyrdome; martyrdoms; martyre; martyres; martyrium; martyrologist; martyrs; martyrum
  1. Hitherto the spectacle had been war and persecution and their attendant horrors on the side of Pagan against the noble and martyred Christian.

  2. But it allows that he went to Paris to see St Denis, and here was martyred near the city by the prefect, Fescenino Sicino, his headless body being flung into a filthy lagoon so that his disciples and admirers should never be able to find it.

  3. In the ninth century one hundred thousand Paulicians were martyred at once in Armenia, accused of heresy and denying the Sacraments.

  4. Like a sharp black mechanical cry in the spongy organism of gloom stood the coarse and sudden sculpture of his torment; the big mouth of night carefully spurted the angular actual language of his martyred body.

  5. To think of a lot of fellows running away when they are told they can't say good-bye to their martyred teacher, and a girl being the only one who has courage enough to act properly.

  6. He longed to be one of them, to be martyred with them.

  7. When he was martyred in 755 Christianity was professed by all the German races except the Saxons, and the church, organized and wealthy, had been to a large extent brought under the control of the papacy.

  8. Verily, those among the friends who were martyred in the path of God—verily this is a favor from God which He bestoweth upon whomsoever He chooses; verily God is the most bountiful!

  9. Ruhullah), son of Varga, was martyred in the path of God in the twelfth year of his life.

  10. As for Ann, she had not hidden her feelings any more than Lady Fairfax had done; she worshipped the martyred king.

  11. I was too young to fight for our martyred king, but I am of age now, and will at once enlist in his son's service.

  12. Julius," or whether Mary Stuart was a martyred saint or a martyred sinner, or whether the cold chop to which Cromwell treated Charles I.

  13. The Kazi was a saint," interrupted Babar with certainty; "I know it; first because the men who martyred him have all since died.

  14. The Saint had been martyred the year before, and when the frightened inhabitants saw the stream of lava approaching the city, they rushed to the tomb, and removed the veil which covered her body.

  15. Agata was martyred by the Praetor Quintianus in the reign of Decius, and is the patron saint of the city.

  16. Macguire, the successor of the martyred Plunkett, who felt in Ulster the rising tide of resistance, was among the signers of a memorial to the King, dutifully remonstrating against the violent proceedings of his Deputy.

  17. The national tendency to poetic writing was not confined to the hereditary verse-makers, but was illustrated by such men as the martyred Plunkett, and the Bishops of Meath and Kerry--Dr.

  18. He went from the red field down to the grave, He fell where his fame was won, And his own fair State hath a name for the brave, And a song for her martyred son!

  19. Franciscan religious martyred in Japan in 1596 while on the road to execution; and he was the author of several relations concerning Christianity in Japan.

  20. All these were martyred at Omura for their faith, or for receiving religious into their houses.

  21. However, they martyred one man, who showed unusual constancy.

  22. Agnes (St.), a young virgin of Palermo, who at the age of thirteen was martyred at Rome during the Diocletian persecution of A.

  23. ANTID'IUS, bishop of Jaen, martyred by the Vandals in 411.

  24. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, who was martyred in the year 202 of the Christian era.

  25. Pallotta, a Maria Taigi, a Maria Moerl, and a host of others, down to the martyred victims of communistic fury.

  26. Spain, and the Cathedral of Canterbury in England, doubly consecrated--the second time by the blood of the martyred S.

  27. I never told you before, but she is of another blood than you are--she is the descendant of martyred rabbis, and her race is as pure as that of the old Machabees.

  28. Louis Seize, the martyred king who was to expiate the follies and crimes of his predecessors, next passes before us along the galleries of Versailles.

  29. Their defence is written on the world with the blood of their martyred children.

  30. Eusebius, in the Chronicon, says that Polycarp was martyred in the year 169, the seventh of Lucius Verus.

  31. Many touching stories are told of these days; and of the meetings held underground in these Catacombs, where the living were surrounded by the bodies of the martyred dead.

  32. For all this great underground city is in reality one huge cemetery: the quiet resting-place where the first Christians of heathen Rome buried their dead, where the martyred bodies so cruelly tortured by Nero were laid at last.

  33. May we not weep o'er him that martyred lies, Slain in our name, for that he loved us much?

  34. They raised his slain and martyred body; washed its wounds with fast-flowing universal tears; tears of endless pity, and yet of a sacred joy and triumph.

  35. We had avenged the death of the martyred archbishop, Elfheah.

  36. Presently I shall meet with Eadmund, your martyred king, and to him I will say that his thane of Bures is worthy.

  37. Many were the tales I had heard of the coming of Ingvar's host in the days of Eadmund our martyred king, who was crowned here at Bures in our own church, and those tales were terrible.

  38. She publicly bore a faithful testimony to the work begun through her martyred husband, and said the present occasion was one she had looked for for the last sixteen years.

  39. Last Letters and Further Records of Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission.

  40. In fact, some of the missionaries who escaped death must have been sorely tempted to envy their martyred colleagues, so terrible were the trials they underwent before reaching a place of safety.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "martyred" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.